Thursday, October 18, 2001

Thursday morning

a chill wakes him
it’s nine am
and it’s the latest
he has slept in over two weeks
collecting the thoughts
in the morning
always a little harder
but they don’t weigh as heavy
thoughts are positive
putting them in order
always a little tougher
a chill hits him
stepping out of the shower
thinking now
only of being warm
all of the ways
the past few months
have made him warm
chill hits him when he
looks to the glass
sometimes not recognizing
who is he supposed to be
not negative thoughts
understanding that which doesn’t
change stagnates
chill follows to the car
blast the heat
while waiting letting mind drift
the smiles he will encounter
the chills sticks around
breaks the thought
how many wonder
why a en flashes from every pocket
and a thought for every action
conquering finally
the unease of the chill
trying to organize
all the things need to be done

Thursday morning…

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