Tuesday, August 4, 1998

all i can be

without reason a ring in the dark
who is this calling to me and my spark
lights the way on the porch under the stars
only noise left bats and some stars
my beads and I, om mani padme hum
compassion in prayer around my neck hung
some may not see four fires burning,
but some do not care about spiritual learning
too many hours in the day, no waste
a life without meaning is a meal with no taste
a book with no words a song with no sound
a gathering for all with no one around
day after day the thought tower tall
next to me only my appearance so small
only one out of many and words come and go
as the weather changes from rain into snow
sky going from clear blue to gray
as the night turns so slow into day
I sit quietly with pen in my hand
gathering thought in a fistful of sand
slips right through fingers back into the sea
but I am content with all I can be…

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