Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Happy Birthday Nando

ok so I missed a few days but back before the month hit double digits...  At Trader Joe's the customers are buying the shit out of produce which works for me because I work the produce and it makes the days go by super fast.  Rodrigo, my brother-in-law is in Brazil right now visiting family.  He owns Gardenin' Angels Landscaping and I work in his office.  Part of that responsibility involves manning the phone while he is away.  It's hard when he is away in Brazil because the internet in Brazil, where he is staying, is not great at it's very best.

some of the plants I am working with at Black Sheep Garden are starting to show some pretty flowers.

here are a few picture of Zsweet Insanity

Today is my nephew Nando's 16th birthday so of course I have to shout him out here even if no one he knows, know me.  It's the thought as they say.  I probably won't see him until the weekend and he has a fight.  He is a boxer.  I have seen him lose once, and of course redeem himself a few months later and won a unanimous decision.  He is fighting again this Saturday in Foxboro and I hope to be able to go and see him do it again.  Happy Born Day Nando!!

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