Tuesday, December 9, 2014

silver & gray

like the weather
like the mind
no one can see
me sitting up too high
look up and see me there
seeing the same sky
it doesn't matter
what the day brings
important things still go unseen
try to remain silent
like the J
silver and gray and white
like all the cars around here
there and everywhere
the rain has been steady for hours
rattle the brain straight for
twenty-four hours as if
another matters piled on top
of where I sit staying dry
still open air with a sideways
windy stare and nothing is fair
silver and gray morning
don't need them to 'get it'
just get it enough to think
not everyone and everything falls
into categories someone else made up
everyone thinking as the group
sometimes things need to stand up
stand out of the cage where the mind is canned
up silver stop read converse
the soul speaks when words fail
nothing before or after
just now...