Thursday, September 11, 2014

let freedom be

life can be a day full of questions who
is actually all knowing when it comes to
a history we all are a part of a strange
series of wars that seem to have no end shrug
of the shoulders as it has been going on too long
natural to be attacking foreign lands
and stealing resources for profit?
spontaneous revolts shot down
changes made but they all seem the same they
don’t benefit the people instead only the powerful
resist the belief in all the lies told by
them that create fear and control the narrative

that biggest lie might never be admitted
only more laws rules fee and fines
creates a control grid with conditioning
sorrow weighs heavy on the mind of many

let freedom instead live in the heart and mind
reality is still ours to create
be here now not tomorrow or yesterday
reality is ours!—create!

let freedom guide with art and many other
things that make up this collection of thought
flow without any pressure
naturally progressing and watching the main stream stasis
forward only up and beyond
in the heart and mind dwelling
whatever is done individually done louder
way back into the folds of the mind
they want to stop our flow
like the strongest river power through
          —let freedom be our strength…

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