Friday, March 18, 2011

to closed eyes it's a train

what’s that date really mean
how could anyone really know
for sure and now too much
focus if reality distracted
until naturally disaster strikes
with power that cannot be stopped
and seen by cameras worldwide
inside drops helplessness seen worldwide
questions about how much everyone
will be radiated it’s in the good book
or written on some wall somewhere
and man may in fact destroy himself
what does any of it really mean
to closed eyes it’s a train thundering by
but it’s only the wind on one of those days
before spring moves in for a stay
focused on thoughts distracted
and fighting the reality presented
until that last day silently
as the flower turns to the sun
just like it heard every word
and believed every prediction
presented reality isn’t as it presented
we are all in the dark
honestly though can we imagine
being helpless in the dark…

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