Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Brockton water torture

nothing wrong with staying in the same place
all day long who is here to say otherwise
he would be at work for someone else of course
sick and tired of the monotony
flip through the big book
just to get a word in before nine
bells toll and the church north west
stops ringing at six but the trains run until eleven
can be heard across town three stops every night
in the same place listening
a new thought for every day even if he's got
to flip the big book to get things started
constantly trying to think of ways to write
his way out of the hole he has dug deep
into the night and it's just nine now
avoiding thoughts work related that's all
everything else is allowed to roam freely
organically grown thought but missing
the Colorado vitamin shots one a day
staring into the product of Dali's mind
and hand it to people who interpret
things differently every time
seen and never heard together
like a couple of buffalo outside behind him
water from the AC drips on the roof
sort of Brockton water torture somehow...

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