Tuesday, May 4, 2004

sounds the silent night makes

sirens cut through the silence
of every night never fails
thunder thump of a car stereo
jumbo jets overhead
and the commuter rail arrives downtown
all at the same time
stand still sitting out
here on the porch
in the broken chair
like puff the magic dragon
like eye puff to make the day drag on
and on top of that the dogs set each other off
one will start and around the neighborhood
the howling starts the slightest
silent disturbance sets it all off
for hours inspiration his only reason for being
the one hears all the sounds the silent night makes
into thoughts and words and maybe no one
is impressed with his pass-the-time invention
sitting on the porch eye hear his every thought
stand still and drop to the page
even the scratching of the pen contributes
to the silence disruption
in the city that does not sleep…

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