Wednesday, November 6, 2002

no one to count on

bringing with him others
who too might need to explode
onto page continuously
girl in a club off to the side
on the floor feverishly writing
only days from now
time shifts and nothing can be believed
spending the raining day in thought
rubbing the head
as if it could reveal
some truth will be revealed
only dread waits at the end
with a flash light turned on
he still doesn’t know the way
back to reality his pen strokes
are choppy writing may be sloppy

bringing with him thoughts
from all parts of the mind
play then stop rewind
play it again hear it another way
bringing with him all the thoughts
today tomorrow beyond Sunday
closer still to sorrow bring it up so high
he sits in a cloud as he jumps ahead
five days when he will shut off
the real world and exist only to himself
bringing everything he needs because
no one else is coming therefore
there is no one else to count on…

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