Saturday, August 18, 2001

usually the pessimist

a good portion of what
he has been seeing daily
suddenly disappears
how long now will
he battle his self confidence
until the fight is finished
same struggle to keep positive thoughts
half the sky is dark
as evening approaches
that empty feeling is not around
usually covers everything he sees
he is usually the pessimist
but a sudden rush of optimism
slaps him in the face
the right direction and keep on walking
theory is completely in control
as he relinquishes his tight grip
on that loneliest thought
new thoughts fill what could have
been considered a void
as he dreams at night
he can’t remember them
and this is also a sudden change
from the terror
night time sometimes brings
he is usually the pessimist
the one doubting
the success of whatever
endeavor he embarks upon…

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