Wednesday, March 7, 2001

living dead breath

halfway across the states
brother sits lotus and waits
anticipation in a homeward flight
dark dreams still in dim light
new morning rise with the strength of ten
men part of him fell picked back up again
how many times before
shoes off raining got him standing at the door
what's he waiting for confused under the wrong sign
waiting in a long line it's eleven thirty he got here at nine
where's the wine wait he needs a glass
pick up put down fell back on his ass
mumble a sort or ramble
lost at sea still willing to gamble
up late night he doesn't know the mind well
everything worth holding onto fell
deep into a pit wishing it was a well
with a bottom he could see
doesn't know who he is supposed to be
what's he got left
when is his body going to let him rest
everyone hears that living dead breath...

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