Sunday, January 2, 2000

dunno anymore

conversation still intense
after all these years
stacked up higher
never thought then
what it would be now
as it is good as any other
who are we to complain
tired of it all
but I still sit at the old spot
and shoot the shit
seven years
do you feel old yet
probably haven’t even begun
the journey of life
surface not even scratched
feeling that itch now and again
sitting in the same old spot
and not giving a shit
what anyone thinks
thinking enough for all of them
how many more will there be
anymore or less negative now
and night has taken hold
a grip crushing
a mind once neat and organized
now filled with chaos
moments of stress
leaning hard at times
holding strong
and supporting all the weight
and whatever I say
nothing is or is not
what matters most is the smile
and the realness of the closeness felt
a soul older than any number
who knows
let them try to figure it all out
back to our conversation
never puddles splashing deep ideas
from side to side
trying to connect
and re-connect
whatever it takes
seeing that bright light
shining and appreciate that…

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