today is the day
probably thought of it
yesterday might
remember it tomorrow
hard to forget today
is the day I got up before
three this morning
in the dark drove to work
couldn't imagine counting
how many thoughts
before car got warm
and moved an inch
not the usual rise and roll time
as it once was for many years
only interrupted by days off
in between where I put down
all my thoughts in the middle
like sandwiches to feed my soul
somehow and don't read anymore
if you think I can or will explain it
I can only present my perception
and today is the day
it was not grim despite the state
of the world willingly ignored
at times not ignorant to vigilance
necessary to regain balance
important in walking any walk
no matter how long it might be
or short just to get the blood
flowing mother on the road closest
to home pushing grand
daughter with a smile
beautiful to witness...
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