it might actually be after seven
but I had to guess
because the pen was already
moving across the page
and I tried to think quick
what time was it the last time I passed
a clock in the kitchen look at my phone
when I last made coffee
I used to let them make it
but now I just reuse their cups
keeping it good and hot awhile
knowing I like to sit outside
pen in hand climbing that pile of thought
with a vision that has to adapt to the night
because objects tend to blend together
the porch railing rungs seem to move when
a quick glance is caught or even the long stare
at the waterfall can change it to the shiniest hair
that's not really there can only imagine
conversations or have them with yourself
and that gets old quick
especially when you are pretty sure
your neighbor caught you talking
with no one in sight out of mind
with time to spare as if I care
to check my first guess
will sometimes stick and I will
catch up at some point if I was wrong...
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