Tuesday, October 28, 2014

seven years away

at twenty I think I knew
things aren’t actually as everyone around
seems to think or believe or accept
almost twenty years ago now
over sixty books filled with the most random
as crazy as Rodrigo thinks I am
wouldn’t change that questioning mind
the one that won’t accept the story
the way they tell it got to find truth
details hidden objected to the first war exposed to
couldn’t understand why teacher
seemed to believe the lies and not ask the questions
twenty years of war and economic roller coaster rides
nationwide guided my decision to get a job and keep it
younger than friends never followed the flow
sometimes even walked up stream and left everyone behind
as I wouldn’t walk away seven years away from this home base
possible the rest of the years spent here
so many have been so many places
possibly envious of that
got at least twenty years to work on what comes next…

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