Wednesday, May 28, 2014

mountain climber

no longer know
what this is
supposed to be
thought freedom of thought
would be encouraged
even welcomed
thought it might be interesting
to keep up with the thought logs
capturing glimpses
of what this thinker thinks
whatever comes up comes out
inspired by some I may never meet
hear their words
and the beat keeps
the head bobbing
they do it differently
and at times hanging on every word
how do they remember it all
still don’t know
what this is
supposed to be my art
or some shit
but what if
no one gets it
what if no one cares
about thoughts inspiring
these scribblings actually
still done with a pen
and a blank page first
wondering what forty-nine
degrees in late May means
rainy day lonely thoughts
don’t get in the way
rearranging older ones
only hope
people still want to read
and if they don’t
guess that’s not my problem
to solve only
my mountain to climb
whatever that means…

Friday, May 23, 2014

on top of my own

hours pass so quickly
barely able to catch up
with my own thoughts
everyone all around is busy
doing something everyone’s
going somewhere
planning for something

constantly reading and studying
trying to understand history
on top of my own thoughts
hours pass sifting
through older words
noticing how some have aged well
and some have been outgrown
and permanently left behind

hours pass moving
only forward
even if stationary…

Monday, May 19, 2014

first Review of my new eBook THIRTY-3

Review by: mendingwall on May 17, 2014 :

The poet, Ryan Lessard, has an extremely visual style both in the mechanical construction of his lines which wrap around each other leading to the next "random thought" and the vertical message often hidden in the first word of each line. The poems themselves are interconnected as the neural pathways of the brain...not as random as a single read would lead one to believe.... and a single read does them no justice. If you want cute rhymes, buy a Hallmark card for $2.99. If you enjoy intellectual challenges, spend two bucks more and download Thirty-3 for an evening or two of thought-provoking and personal glimpses into the mind of a thinker who will challenge you to view the world in a different way. For an idea of this poet's evolution, see his earlier works still available on Amazon. To keep up with his current thoughts, visit his blog at

submitted by Mendingwall

thank you and of course I will include the link to my smashwords page where you can get the book

if you encounter any problems in the process do not hesitate to contact me and I will help you through it

thanks again for supporting my thoughts!!


Sunday, May 18, 2014

in a different way

in a different way
but with real eyes
hope some day we all
realize we aren’t here
for too long
we should probably
try to enjoy our time
or not waste it
or have fun or help others
maybe not
in a different way I am probably
wrong in thoughts but I have real eyes
to see that society too is changing
in a different way they say it is all
for our protection
but I hope we realize
it’s really all about
power and control
and no questions
move along…

Saturday, May 17, 2014

nephews brought it back

back on a skateboard
nephews brought back
the youth for my brother and I
turning around in the truck I asked
“in 20 years are you two
still going to be hanging out
like your father & I?”
both boys answered yes
with big smiles
and smiles all around
as my brother & I try
not to hurt ourselves
on new skateboards
and old tricks
looking at my bro I say
“we used to do this everyday
all day…”
smiling and riding off
to try another trick
we skated for years
on our childhood dead end street
shaking loose the memories of
those days before life
got all serious and work
related and fun was minimalized
still somehow dodging that one
or used it to our advantage
bringing back the youth
even if for only a couple
hours at the skate park…

Friday, May 16, 2014

see the light flip the switch

trying to see the light
flip the switch
in the mind
blown daily
by the things that bother
the average person
certain that this constant
pen movement has some purpose
can’t have none
but if it does it does
still going to be here grinding out
thoughts never faded
once put down in these pages
some might type instead
can’t put down the pen
at the end of the day
clouds and rain might
arrive and it won’t stop
the drive behind a will
to do better than survive…

Be Great

yesterday same time

reminded me that I am 

probably more important

than I believe I am

no one without these words

non stop thought

for the record

yesterday continued

a bond goes back

thirty years to be exact

unbroken new chapter

don't just think you are great

know you are great everyday

for the record

slow down notice

know the feeling
walls down before
seems like they will crush
from all angles
but they haven’t moved at all
finally escaping the net
slow down notice it wasn’t even there
all in the mind
limitations are mind related
what type of life changing
thoughts are others having
right now
how do they make it through
their days and dark nights
knowing the feeling of looking
forward and overlooking thoughts
right here right now
sure tomorrow is another day
but today is right here
don’t waste it make it matter
add it to the historical account
of the life you are living
get living get moving…

scent is rain

an hour early
but it is just how I roll
at times need time to prepare
for whatever is to come
is this writing automatic
who knows what is going
to get in my way today
a sound of startled birds
then their song
in through an open window
a passing cars or an accident that
hasn’t happened yet
a cool breeze up under the shirt
but the scent in the air is rain
how many times do I restart
the project of continuous writing
thinking I am the goalie of thought
none of them will get by
and how in the world
do we all get by
we just keep on
no matter what the struggle
grocery store employment
over 20 years hardly the plan
but plenty of time to think
and write and share
everyone should share their story
there is something great
everywhere no doubt surprises
in the corners of every mind…

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

always working

re-positioning the mind
a more relaxed state
hear what they call news
don’t know how it impacts
this life here without
the world wide connection
we would really still be
in the dark
extremely dependent still
on everything always working
what if everything stopped
working all at once
what happens then
re-positioning the mind
to at least think
about the possibility…

just ramblin'

just move then
pen and sun through the window
wood grain beneath both arms
love this time of year
this time of day
perfect for reflection
what is said and unsaid
just pen thoughts
without destination
fighting the thoughts
hidden in silence
trying to understand the world
filled with violence
always want to be about peace
violence starts as force
ruling over free people
knowledge is power
to take back individual freedom
if nothing else
love this time of reflection
questioning everything
we are a part of without consent
but by necessity to operate
in our daily lives
reflection not like that in the mirror
like that in the individual
waking up to the reality
all around no one wants to read
and yet still putting words here
in books even if I am the last one…

twist and burn

time to stop and think
always is and hardly
what your mom wants to hear
bend what you know as real
feel the rush not similar
to the burn of Niacin
out through all the pores
twenty minutes a little like boiling
if I had to guess
how would I really know
spending the day reading
putting thoughts in books
on screens big and small
piece of the world where I sit
need to get words in front of more eyes
time to twist and burn one down
thoughts on my brother scent in the breeze
trees of May send the mind down a slide
never know what I might come across
then down like a cross word puzzle
like I have been to some
many more have disappeared
from these eyes overlooking
the pond at the bottom of the hill
look for the cloud and my head in a book
putting words here what if I didn’t
think about how crowded a mind
heavy thought instead would rather
light it up and relax…

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

drops under clouds

hours pass
seconds seems
quicker than the mind
can process slow it down
washing clothes
everything I own worn
hours pass faster
temperature rises quick
drops under clouds creeping
from behind the trees
up overhead after sunrise shine
across the pond wonder what
it looked like before everyone
moved onto the land
hours pass and it’s the next day
from when thought began
time to sleep…

when it's important

probably comes down to
not wanting to question
reality and things we are taught
to believe as true and real
probably comes down to
how comfortable we have become
uncomfortable depending on the chair
or success but put it in the air anyway
time to move onward and inland
back to the shoe city always
questioned my reality there
might clear some things up
probably not but
it probably comes down to
waking up and changing
things as necessary
when it is important…

twelve hours same day

it’s as if no one reads
or would be interested
in some thinking for the day
here sitting behind a screen
putting words before eyes
imagine everyone did
supporting eyes
and strangers
stranger daze
yesterday high reached
eighty never hit fifty today
t-shirt sweatshirt inside outside
still trying to keep it moving
keep it multiplying… 

Friday, May 9, 2014

not what you are thinking about

this is not what everyone else is thinking about
and the television always reminds me of this fact
no war has ever been justified as it is presented
other factors always contribute but this
is hidden along with other important facts that avoid
the eyes of the average American but the
root of the problem is the strangled liberty
from behind the invisible bars that we live
which job is the one to pay us to be free
tyranny behind a desk or microphone
springs in the air finally still New England chill
when May arrives mornings are warmer
he rises well before the suns
first light and in a couple hours it
appears over buildings while standing in a parking lot
he seems to rise higher when he sees this light daily
is warming him where he stands
a thought before continuing the day
protector of the ‘never stagnant mind’… 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

why not

someone asked me why I write
only thing I could think of saying
was I can’t imagine not writing
never gave myself that option I guess
to not write so much more than anyone
sees or knows drowning in a sea of no’s
I am therefore I think therefore I write
that’s about the best answer I could give
so from this point forward
the answer to this question may differ
but will always begin with
—why not…

Thirty-3 my new eBook is available NOW!!!

please let me know what you all think and thank you for reading, click the link and get it now!!!
-cover Painting is by my brother Mat Lessard-

Thursday, May 1, 2014

hear these words

if asked to pick one thing to protect
liberty would be that thing—liberty
means the freedom to do what we want
anything that doesn’t harm another
at some point this liberty may be challenged
all of us must be vigilant in protection of liberty
it is most important for future generations
means looking a little closer at those making
the laws and enforcing them
right to assemble and protest met by police
to silence dissent when this dissent is necessary
tell everyone around it’s for the future
people really need to open up to these thoughts
what are we going to do if we cannot disagree
they will control every aspect of our lives
do everything to hold liberty tight and
not let go no matter how much they
want to control our every move
to be free means to cherish liberty
hear these words…