Saturday, December 31, 2022

keep it to myself

At a young age

we are taught about the globe

and where we live

on the map of the world.

My sister and her young daughters are seeing it now

Both have been to Brazil and back to north America at least once

As a Christmas gift

my sister got the girls

an interactive globe

that works with an app

to teach them about

the world in which we live.

In 2015 I came across a book called

Zetetic Astronomy by Samuel Rowbotham

It changed the way I looked at everything

when it comes to the globe and what we have been taught

living near the ocean all my life I have often wondered about the big

hump of water that must exist somewhere out beyond the horizon

I guess what I am saying is

It might be hard now

To keep it to myself

Having unlearned what, they taught

And seeing things with real eyes

To realize the Real Lies

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