three days from now
a new era will begin
and for at least the next 4
a successful business man
will be the president of the US
from the moment he announced
he was going to run, and win
the power structure
already in place
has done everything they can
to prevent his confidence
and nationalistic ideals
from catching on
fever pitched spreading
like a cold in an elementary school
the mainstream media
did everything it could
to derail the train of thought
trying to bring about a change
that neither side of the political
coin wanted and after all
everyone threw his way
he still won and in three days
he will take his spot in history
as number 45
and truth be told
I have never had much respect
for the system in place
but know from research
that it would probably easier to change
from within
and it seemed hopeless because
both sides have been compromised
more than 30 years now
and I never had much hope
that the government
was going to help me
live out my dreams
and I do not think it is
the job of any government
younger days I bought
the line left of center
thinking social justice
was a viable answer
to the state question
do we even need a state
and protested the UN
in 96 and in 1997
protested the cozy relationship
with the Communist Chinese government
protested the war in Afghanistan
and the war in Iraq
an never liked or voted for GWB
nine eleven 2001 left more questions
than answers and I never believed
the official story never believe
any story said to be the official one
research on my own learning
and unlearning at the same time
in a search for truth
that will not end in 3 days
with the changing of the figurehead
leading the US for the next
4 years at least...
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