Tuesday, October 11, 2016

state of demoCrazy

state of the nation is crazy
so much talk and some
get their feelings hurt
only time will tell where
the truth actually lies
exposing all the lies
we have been taught
to understand as truth
will governments always
hide the truth to keep control 
no matter what flavor
government comes in
it’s how the powerful
control the rest
we are the rest and
have a quieter voice
among many and democracy
is majority rules so that’s
some of the truth of our
democracy and freedom
the bi-polar nation divided
over nearly every issue
except one common thread
of all Americans
we are NOT them
the politicians the controllers
the ones who have been lying
to a confused public
for fifty years at least
the state of the nation
is every kind of crazy
less than one month
until a historic election
and that is hoping that
something is real
and everything is not
predetermined by them…

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