Saturday, July 16, 2016

search the maze for a clear mind to sleep on

one hit
as I hit one
of those patches
like walking through a bunch
of rose bushes
hard not to get
caught a couple times
or more
doesn't help
it's a maze
and for some reason I am
and alone
hit a wall of thorns
and I try to keep on walking
but I am hungry
and after
the pause to eat
would anyone
even know 'cept I put it all here
two hours later
sun starting to fade
out the heat bugs make
that heat bug noise
and not even sure what they
are actually called I could look
them up but I prefer to remember
them as heat bugs
not to mention
I never see them
only hear their sound
as the moon moves into view
over the tree in the corner
with the waterfall
and pond at it's base
although the thorns
will always surround
and I walk into thorny walls blindfolded
somehow just a little smoke
cleared the way
a clearer mind to sleep on...

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