Tuesday, April 12, 2016

probably can't help

rain most of the day
strange and crazy days ahead
the social control
is coming undone
as much control that
is tight around society
has cracks of light all through it
where we occasionally get a glimpse
of truth people are starting
to really see clearly through
the rain what's real
and what is only presented
as real sort through the rubble
and know none of my neighbors
are my enemies even if they
are not my friends
probably can't help
and probably should be
no one is here as pen moves
the hand or the hand moves
the pen whichever comes first
see it clearly thoughts form
as fast as clouds sometimes
changing as they move page-ward
check the time and the rain
clouds of that holy smoke
fill the brain ramblings some
might deem insane
probably can't help
but there is no pain
sheltered from the rain
more words daily strain
to maintain balance
probably can't help
clear your own clouds create
some as well most likely
the only help necessary...

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