Tuesday, April 26, 2016

today is the day #14

not supposed to be
so cold
and the fire pit
goes down deep
with plenty of air flow
fire is plenty hot
today is the day
to other eyes
just like all the rest
to these eyes
details noticed
unseen to most
predictably canceled
lunch deemed risky somehow
today is the day
things don’t make
anymore sense than yesterday
mixed up world focused on
degenerate and ridiculous behavior
on all ends of every
spectrum measured
as if anyone can pay attention
this long to read a few
words digest flip a page
continue on until all the pages
absorbed seems easy enough
but content should be
interesting to keep them coming back
today is the day
even when today becomes
tomorrow remains today
find something else
that does that and put
it here like this...

out of your mind at last

guess creating
is not just for
the creator
hoping someone
finds something
in what is in front of eyes
these words from these hands
content with and worth the time
it took time to create
maybe worth a look
and ignore the thoughts
not worth looking at
keep right on moving
over and above
like planes both day and night
more cold tonight
combat it with fire blazing
the cold must be that global
warming they used fifteen years ago
somehow bring the fear
to everyday life is the name of the game
and all I want is for the reader
to read something and find a thought
follow it wherever it leads
but bring some light
to find your way out
of your own mind
at last...

Friday, April 22, 2016

not noticed until

something strange in the air
maybe it's the late start
to spring this year
finally got into the high 70s
without the sun
everyone seems to be a little off
can't think of a better group
of words to describe
the funk the clouds bring
something strange all around
the wind is steady too
something not noticed
until recently...

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

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eBook #10

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of, by & 420

this year seems
don't they all
this year politics
might move people
after all it's an election
year and if
'of, by & for the people'
is what we learned
the people should
pay attention
the will of the people
might be challenged
both sides of the establishment
paradigm challenged as well
the silent majority
might turn out to vote
the silent majority
might wake up and demand
the republic be restored to an
'of, by & for the people' status
until then it's of, by & 420
today because they are gonna
stone you for whatever you do
or do not waste another minute
the jester's words
ring truth...

what it means to me

don't care
what you have heard
here is the truth
as far as these eyes see
what does it mean
here's what I know
bob dylan aka the jester
wrote a song called
rainy day women 12&35
the chorus is
“everybody must get stoned”
maybe you've heard it
the pun intended
no matter what you do
someone is gonna stone you
the jester's response is
everybody must get stoned
12 times 35 equals 420
and that is
what it means to me
and what I will do today...

Monday, April 18, 2016

rocks to tomorrow

hundreds of rocks at my feet
tired from hours of walking
hundreds of steps
seems like in circles
at times but not tight enough
to induce the dizziness
it will surely arrive with time
hundreds of breaths
couldn't keep track of
the hours either
lost in the rocks at my feet
caught staring must be more
tired than originally thought
light through the trees
no idea who it is
wonder what they think
about tonight as light
goes dim and fades
they didn't notice mine
is still on few more words
to get out stuck
inside the mind
will do no good
hundreds of minutes
of sleep must follow
to lead me to tomorrow...

striped night sky

striped skies
most don't notice
or pretend they don't see
then once they notice
they cannot help but see
if the eyes work
and they look to the skies
then they will see
can't pretend to know
anything except it cannot
be nothing and sometimes
that means we might
never know really
but we will get a story
that is good enough
to convince everyone
it's nothing
even at night striping
the moonlit sky
can we trust
our own eyes to see
it is something
to sit under
the striped night sky...

random pictures

This is a picture of my nephews and I on Xmas Eve 2015

This is my niece Ana.

afternoon sun w/Mom

powerful thoughts
that don't stop
no matter what I do
so I put them here
on a lazy Sunday
afternoon my mother
sits on the other side
of the backyard
enjoying the sun
like she always has
a tan in spring before
summer even arrives
one year ago the thought
came that a crab could try
to steal the sun but
the crab was killed with
mustard gas and the sun
remains right up there
where it belongs
and mom sits smiling
out in the backyard
in the spring sun...

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

from what I've unlearned

from what I have come
to understand despite
all its flaws it's still
a great place to live
somehow it's still
not right and nothing
is perfect and every system
is built with control in mind
how much control
until we mind and are
downright bothered
by what this great place
is becoming quicker
than anyone had
believed possible
control system has infiltrated
the media and the movies
real world blurred
with fantastical stories
probably safe to say
anyone involved in the system
is no longer working
for the people but working
to keep control of the people
through systems invading
every aspect of existence
also most probable that
the controllers of the system
will do everything including
rewriting rules so they
don't lose control of the system
this one was supposed
to always be different
as one of, by & for the people
being fooled again
this time though they have
revealed some truth
the people are being lied to
and intentionally divided
to a polarized status update
should read –they lie, they
control everything and
they need to be stopped
should be a telling year
can that groggy giant
wake and stand
before being lulled
and lied back to sleep
by all the controllers devices...

head tilt left

head leaning
on a railing
looking at the page
all crooked-like
some no name actor
in a bad mafia movie
head straight up
floating like one
of the clouds
created or cut
as the hand
moves right
to left
and down
and down...

tops of clouds still lit

centering and finding the focus
follow the sound finding the bird
on the broken tree
sound of the waterfall
attracts many birds
but this one keeps its
distance and watches the water
fall into to the flat pool
surrounded by flocks
and rocks the tops of the clouds
still lit as the sunlight
does its daily diminishing
westward waltz
centering and the focus found
buried under layers
easily removed
as the day spreads out
in my path to tomorrow
still trying to keep
contact with so many
and the effort is either
ignored or not noticed
can't discern from here
won't personalize
the disappoint now just
leave it by the waterfall
as part of the daily cleanse
centered once focus found...

probably can't help

rain most of the day
strange and crazy days ahead
the social control
is coming undone
as much control that
is tight around society
has cracks of light all through it
where we occasionally get a glimpse
of truth people are starting
to really see clearly through
the rain what's real
and what is only presented
as real sort through the rubble
and know none of my neighbors
are my enemies even if they
are not my friends
probably can't help
and probably should be
no one is here as pen moves
the hand or the hand moves
the pen whichever comes first
see it clearly thoughts form
as fast as clouds sometimes
changing as they move page-ward
check the time and the rain
clouds of that holy smoke
fill the brain ramblings some
might deem insane
probably can't help
but there is no pain
sheltered from the rain
more words daily strain
to maintain balance
probably can't help
clear your own clouds create
some as well most likely
the only help necessary...

Monday, April 11, 2016

wind keeps it cool

want to see
the moon tonight
don't know if I will be awake
to see the sky clearer
than now wind has been
strong for days now
as if it's trying to keep
the warm weather away
keeping the fires
burning hot
with the heavy breeze
and sudden gusts
wouldn't mind so much
if it was warmer
could get the garden started
one more reason to build
a greenhouse and grow food
for the family maybe friends
and neighbors too
who knows but it's a good idea
and these are the thoughts
blowing in the breeze
as the waterfall
is reconstructed for the spring
everyone is ready
but the wind keep it cool...

Sunday, April 10, 2016

out in the sun

out in the sun
but warm air
has still been
absent this spring
but the scent in the air
is probably exactly
what you think it is
afternoon now and
my fire burns slow
as the sun will too move
right out of view
for now just enjoy
the warmth it brings
sitting chair with thick arms
to serve as a desk of sorts...

Saturday, April 9, 2016

wall of confidence

don't know what to believe
but myself more and more
building confidence
like a wall people can see
or more of a sign or
a signal to everyone around
that I believe in myself
and even though my confidence
was beat back quick fast
and decision made to wake up
and live then think with purpose
prepare for whatever
comes or we run into
and do not assume
you have been taught
the truth all along
back to where I sit
behind my wall of confidence
based belief in the self
which happens to be mine
what else can I change
it has to start from within
the heart center of who
we are and who I am...

Friday, April 8, 2016

these hands press on

still light out on
the back porch smoke
is rising yet no fire
to sit by tonight
clouds on and off
all day somehow
still fire and clouds
swirl around me like
a chimney
not ashamed to be
up in smoke
just had to figure
it out a little better
not just me
but mostly me
because no one holds
these hands press on
doesn't matter
time of day or weather
pen is ready in any case...

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

the day's correction

feel the cold
especially on my face
still a pretty nice day
grabbed a red pen today
but you wouldn't know
unless I told you
red pens usually saved
teacher style to correct
wrong answers to problems
with numbers and words
feel the cold only slightly
on my hands not as much
as the nose and face
the rest kept pretty warm
sky started all blue
but quickly turned
completely white
one big cloud covers
the sky seen from here
the quickness of the red pen
this must be the day's

Monday, April 4, 2016

bright sky 9-thirty

almost humorous
snow in April
two days two storms
just enough to be
and then the melting
begins just as the last
flakes drift to the ground
mysteriously bright
being as late as it is
right now makes no sense
why the clouds are so bright
facing west
almost humorous
because it's spring
and the daffodils had started
to pop up and now
they are covered
four inches of sloppy snow
usually first two months
of the year contain the snow
strangely warm though
then winter snow in spring
bright sky at 9 thirty pm
none of this makes sense
so it has got to be funny...

Friday, April 1, 2016

through today

who does this
the pen and 4am
moving with thoughts
the day ahead
what does it even hold
not as many hours
in one place
shorter day as they say
in the workplace
light mist as spring
battles the New England
attitude who could forget
nineteen years ago
over a foot of snow
on this day
does anyone remember
or is it just me with a pen
in the light rain
at work before I have to be
on top of the only game
played now I will
make it through the day...