Sunday, November 15, 2015

what's the plan

the world has no doubt gone mad
maybe we can look at what we see
and the information we are given
what's the real plan
behind all the violence
what's another politician
going to do to right the wrongs
stop the wars maybe
end the debt based monetary policy
outlaw the IRS anything useful?
what's the real plan
missions to mars
millions flushed into space
anyone else stop to think
what kind of crazy fuckin'
world is this place where we live
call home and travel around
while repeating all the slogans
remember freedom fries
not quite fifteen years
now the blue white and red
spreads like Americas rainbow tint
profile social experiment
spiders we all get caught
in someone's web
navigate carefully
watching each step
and what it could really mean
if in fact we knew
the real plan...

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