Thursday, August 28, 2014

think for yourself

hands reaching to the sky as it
comes crashing down
time’s up who is ready
whatever is next is unknown
faith is still a creation of man
as strong as it can be
man can tell a story long enough
it becomes accepted truth
not everyone hears the sound
one hand clapping louder
as the afternoon darkens
under clouds gray with doubt
logic remains the ruler of the mind
unknown whether I ever possessed
the required strength in faith
to be considered religious
maybe spiritual nothing more than
a thinker for myself
not ruling anything out
self-knowing hands-on in the mind
still swirling with confusion at times
some of the vast expanses may go unvisited
if limitations placed in the way of freedom
over all obvious contradictions the steps
that lead to a higher power imagine
view from pearly gates
or the fiery pit that is feared
and fearful people are easier to control
instead stand on logic’s stairs
and look both ways
as you take your steps
and think for yourself…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very thoughtful poem that is the namesake of the book... Can't wait for it to be available