Tuesday, January 28, 2014

staying positive

the hard part remains staying positive
aim for center balance and using every ounce
of strength gained through years of change
public information once guarded as private
education is never focused on preparation for it
is a place for children while adults work
not preparing youth to be self sufficient
to be strong individuals with new ideas
spread freedom and liberty through the individuals
enlightenment not in a group thought collectively clueless
at that point when there is a dependence on
all the technology created for us to rely on
it makes us weak, we fear what now
is it really scary thinking about protecting ourselves
simply put why do we not know how to protect ourselves
reduce fear and reduce trust in authority for protection
as you peel away layers of lies and disinformation
many revelations start to take place
individuals rising and becoming a critical mass resistance
as revolutionary as it sounds it is
possible when the youth are encouraged
to be themselves and creative
the future should be looked forward to
same as progression of humanity to a peaceful
level of logic finally found and shared
to a level of peace the world has never seen but deserves
breed positive ideas and individuals everywhere
a dream no more as we make it be real
standard always should stand on freedom and liberty foundation
citizenry needs empowerment
to conquer those standing at the gates
put down the pen if necessary
down with the controllers, all of them
dissent is strong in a healthy nation
and happiness is that positive strength
originality is that individual path…


Unknown said...

Like it .... I also read the first word down in each line .... a message is there too ;)

Ryan Lessard, Nicefropress said...

yes, it's a quote by H.L. Mencken an American journalist (1880-1956).