Tuesday, August 6, 2013

not all in the dark

the powers that be
count on keeping
as many of us
in the dark
as they can
in the dark without a spark
everyone is too busy
to notice and trained
to tear down those who
don’t agree with the line
it’s bull shit that’s why
the powers at war murder
by proxy everyday
with our tax dollars
war is bull shit
no one is fighting for you or I
and no one fighting
for us in general
yet they still take that oath
as if we won’t hold them to it
as if they even think about
the rights the constitution protects
they instead focus on traitors
in their eyes revealing secrets
yet they don’t deny the secrets
they don’t want to be seen as a gang of thugs
hell bent on controlling the world
so many warned this would happen
nineteen eighty-four is here although
it’s a few years late total information
awareness took some extra time
to perfect but who does it protect
only the powers that be are protected now
everyone else is in the dark
when the next strike will come
a new revolution will have no leader
removing one voice will always
reveal five waiting to be heard
not everyone will remain silent
no fear of the tyrannical consequences
freedom is what we are born with
and not something we need to ask for
not sorry to those I offend anymore
if you are not offended by
what this government does
to the world daily
if you are not offended by
that same government telling you
to be less free is necessary
because of the shit storm
of unending wars that they created
if you are not offended by
this government collecting all your info
than nothing I write
could ever possibly offend you…

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