Monday, August 27, 2012

act like we don't know

tired of thinking
eye don’t stand a chance
taken nearly every time
eye think I know
and eye don’t want to talk
about it but these are the thoughts
how can I really hide
behind words or abstractions
distractions tricking the mind
into being happy
enjoying every moment
as if it might never return
because it won’t
and you never really know
what you don’t know
too late for some relevant information
probably ignored by most
and ruled to be of little importance

tired of thinking
for this reason right here
the eye dropper of crazy
ramble random thought scramble
constantly telling myself
no one really fahking cares
just look at this society
believing we need all the things they sell
prolonging the laziness factor
slowly accepting the bars
as they form all around us

and we act like we don’t know…

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