Sunday, July 23, 2006

nothing concluded 169

back wood smoke
and the sound of music
far away carried
by the wind
across the city
nearly every sound
the dog goes nuts
and I still think
it’s because
he is a short dog
the coffee is strong
because I made it
tonight and not
the usual drive round
the block tonight
five minutes
prior to now
still sounds
from outside
across the city
new shoes
surprises are
always nice
partner in crime
upstairs just a minute
back down
being the pair that
will be eternally
nothing concluded
only months now
until serial thought
shifts to another
avenue (title)
everything changes
so small no
one will notice
until we all
wear microchips
in our pockets
maybe we do
and don’t
know it
already in the license
an endless ramble
ten years later
same conclusion
to speak plainly
nothing concluded…

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