Sunday, July 23, 2006

time's up

a minute
later date
would be
idea pop
into the mind
at the strangest
time’s up

ready for sleep
and it’s tomorrow
out on the porch
right behind
my ears
eyes don’t do
much good
in the dark
time’s up

most likely

most likely
more angry than
anything else
no one hurt
quite the mess
one the way home

most likely
keeping someone
awake worried
without a call
music somewhere
far off in the night

music getting
closer loud exhaust
to match it all
these thoughts
don’t add up too much
of the time spent
cross-eyed thinking

some nights
out on the back porch
is the only remedy
for what has passed
too fast until tomorrow
bring back tonight
until all the sirens
cease until
they don’t stop…

wrinkle hand

wrinkled hands now
thirty-one years
what’s been learned
enough ten years ago
now knowing too much
can we ever  know too much
wrinkled hands put down a verse
or a whole thought
no one moves
everyone is asleep…

nothing concluded 169

back wood smoke
and the sound of music
far away carried
by the wind
across the city
nearly every sound
the dog goes nuts
and I still think
it’s because
he is a short dog
the coffee is strong
because I made it
tonight and not
the usual drive round
the block tonight
five minutes
prior to now
still sounds
from outside
across the city
new shoes
surprises are
always nice
partner in crime
upstairs just a minute
back down
being the pair that
will be eternally
nothing concluded
only months now
until serial thought
shifts to another
avenue (title)
everything changes
so small no
one will notice
until we all
wear microchips
in our pockets
maybe we do
and don’t
know it
already in the license
an endless ramble
ten years later
same conclusion
to speak plainly
nothing concluded…

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

only the moon

ee cummings proved how abstract
words can actually be
certainly uncertain about meaning
more than to invoke the spin
it might get dark fast tonight
only the moon shows
through the transparent clouds
overhead seventy-two days
how many cigarettes
have I avoided
and how could I miss
such a horrible habit
someone sick enough
to intensify
the draw
exists in this world
where are we now
some would say the end times
and isn’t that period
supposed to last hundreds of years
why are the rich and powerful
so willing to blow shit up…

write quick(for the record)

not nearly as hot as yesterday
got home from work
picked up the pen
write quick
what else would I do
for the record
overhead traffic route
a plane every twenty minutes
and on ground
a train every ninety minutes
been out for the last time tonight
the dog snores on the floor
this time only 8 minutes
between the planes
this time around
maybe a circular descent
put it down on a page
if the plane was a pen
anyone else listening
to the night
seeing these words
verbal interpretation
of these strange thought
visualizations wish I could paint
for the record
only slept five hours
last night
suppose that’s all I needed…

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

storm getting closer(for the record)

the rumble in the distance
a storm getting closer
maybe it will cool
this stagnant air
for the record
can’t remember the last time
it was this hot here
still drinking hot coffee
out of a mug bought in NH
dog at my feet on the floor
trying to stay cool by a fan
floor is cooler in the kitchen
how can I tell him that
sitting in the western most wing
of this house also white
another rumble and lightening
flashes closer still
heat wave might just break tonight
for the record
scent of rain coming through
the windows with the breeze
haven’t moved much
in the last few hours
had other plans until
the pen took my hand
as if it was afraid of the rumble
above the house
and the rain in the trees…

this late

hardly ever this late
night writing retired
years ago on a porch
that no longer exists
in memory alone
have to wait another
ten minutes since
brother left door if you are
looking from the street
remains quiet tonight
inspiration left behind
as if by design
everything from above
falls rapidly approaching
wishing for another trip
down a flight of stairs
somehow not becoming
familiar with surrounding
areas of the mind
field running but getting
tired of the commute…

Monday, July 17, 2006

terrible reign (for the record)

it’s almost tomorrow
thinking about war again
a strange idea
the Solomon solution
bring down the temple
no one will make it through

some terrible reign
for the record
an artist is hard at work
thinking sitting
on the floor at midnight…

Saturday, July 15, 2006

shoes on nowhere to go

still got my shoes on but the feet
need to rest for the night
not going anywhere
sleeping downstairs
and it’s so hot I stay awake
could be thunder
or a jet rumbling above the head
deep in the night sky darkness
short thoughts like stray heart beats
just in case I skip one or two
because of an allergic reaction
to something in the air
shorter breaths and eye lids flutter
as if to tell me something
and I am not listening
wanting to see the sun rise
three days in a row
stays with me all day long…

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

still a puzzle(for the record)

more terror in India
who benefits
first question always
who suffers
always the same answer
innocents in the way
and soldiers doing their duty
a means to what end
only truth seekers piece
together the puzzle until
it becomes a clearer picture
still a puzzle made up
of half-truths splintered
with boldface lies and rumors
for the record
the real motives still unknown
as usual
some sick and twisted formula
no one know how
never mind if it is even meant to work
for the record
day two page seven
writing out under
all these numbers might get wordy
does anyone really mind…

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

long day done(for the record)

it’s raining again
humid and sticky
is there a difference
waiting for my wife
to come home
long day done
at last
for the record
no idea where the account
is going maybe still stationary
as I sit puffing like I knew
a magic dragon
and the fireworks
are a week late
destroying the silence
at eleven before the train
pulling into downtown
not by much at all though
as I speak or write or think
all of the above
and then some…

reveal (for the record)

a book for numbers
not so much for words
account books
should contain truth
the hard truth
not always what is told
left for some to discover
and reveal
for the record
quitting smoking isn’t easy
don’t let anyone tell you
for the record
grew up during the birth
of hip hop music
and hip hop culture
and appreciate what it taught
about the truth of our society
for the record
thirty minutes has passed
or was it 45
dropping these 9 o’clock bombs
of my own thought
armed with only a pen
and a book with horizontal lines
the most tense thoughts
on future and what it holds
positive ideas pursued
land of negative news
distorting the truth
and hiding it indefinitely
for the record
someone has and will call
me a conspiracy theorist
or something like that
but I can’t help it if they
don’t want to think up
a better description
for the record
nothing could stop this pen
the thought conveyed in
so many ways now
this might go on all night long
no one will mind at all
from where I sit
on the back porch
east side Brockton, MA
for the record
someone powerful
is manipulating the weather
not talking gee OD here
talking man
and I don’t know why
maybe it for the good
those planes in the sky
higher than regular flights
streaks of white
soon-to-be clouds
just notice
tell me I am crazy
for the record
this would all be considered
if it were considered
at all
by anyone claiming
considerer status
for the record
the president of the usa
called the constitution of the usa
a gawddamn piece of paper
and the latin words
new world order
are written on the dollar bill
go back to sleep
nothing to see here…

Monday, July 3, 2006

muster one

who is actually independent
just a thought
15 minutes before the fourth
it’s what most of them call it
something else entirely
too tired to be awake any longer
passing out in a desk chair
pen in hand might put an eye out
after midnight now and
fireworks still light up the town
sometimes it takes all the stored
strength to muster one…