Friday, May 13, 2005

only minutes

only minutes
since the last thought
onto the next
the minutes don't
stop or slow down
and neither should the pen
and he needs to make more use
of his modern day typewriter

only minutes
until the sun will
disappear behind newly grown leaves
taller it seems than last year
how would he know
he has taken the picture to prove
it but will anyone take the time
to notice the purple flowers
have popped up everywhere
in the moss grown backyard
scattered patches of really green grass
and patches of dirt
and a pile of rocks around the biggest tree
in the far left corner
at least 40 years old if not older

only minutes since the dog
last went outside and he's sniffing around
looking for a spot because I am ignoring
him at the moment and only minutes
until I either bring him back out
or clean up his mess...

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