Sunday, December 12, 2004

maybe they are stuck

in thirty minutes
used to fill
five to seven pages at a time
some days it takes
three days to produce
three pages
what a let down
like a plumber who
has been paid
but will not work
sometimes I sit as if catatonic
for thirty minutes at a time
waiting for thought
to come out maybe
they are stuck up in the mind
and will have to wait
until it dries and cracks
then while still sitting I will
leap from my spot
with so much thought
and then everything stops
sometimes I come back and reread
what I have written
astounded shocked and awed
and a little bit saddened
as the day comes
to an abrupt end falling
asleep drowning myself
on the pool table…

Saturday, December 11, 2004

up later than most

up later than most
second wind
asleep at the desk
spinning the wheel
not to particular
about which direction
he is facing
as long as he can see
he closes his eyes
to hear the rain outside
with each pass
he swings closer to
the ground thoughts
like smoke
think and swirling
around and he’s nearly
dizzy and half falling
asleep but always puffin tough
one hundred one years later
a legacy ends in the city where
it all started it’s too late
now but somehow his coffee
is still warm he is in the basement
contemplating one hundred
and one years some trees
might not live as long
up later than most
second maybe third wind
caught him in a sandstorm
luckily his eyes were shut
and mouth was closed
tight like a fist raised
and used as a hammer
to pound a point across
thirty minutes pass like thirty seconds
intervals in between thoughts
and quick rest periods…

Wednesday, December 8, 2004

seven one nine to the five oh eight #1

so now he’s in the basement
mixing his own medicine
underneath the pavement
trying to figure out the government
hacking like a bastard
preparing for disaster
this summer learned to plaster
only wish he could do it faster
two minutes left it might all end tonight
no worry he won’t go down without a fight
thinking of all the things that are not right
out in the backyard under the stars
arms with some muscle mostly just scars
more nervous habits like trapped behind bars
waiting to escape where’s the getaway car
parking and ready to go on a whim
no one will know or attempt to follow him
but that’s only if the future’s too grim
and shot after shot he’s hitting the rim
rhyming and reeling in a twisted state
thinking from the seven one nine
to the five oh eight…

Wednesday, December 1, 2004

connected to the mind

it’s as if it is connected to the mind
he sits in the basement waiting
for his spirit to return
no one believe
okay maybe one or two would
no one else would when
the cabinet is found open

they know who has been here
in one way or another
less than five years ago
he stood in this spot
shooting pool waiting
for the afternoon drive time
to arrive

it’s as if he has got
all day to sit and contemplate
this thought
and onto the next…