Tuesday, December 2, 2003

nothing concluded 136

who knew
or does
what this means
or doesn't
staring into the day

gray turned into
cement wall
freshly painted
wall of thought
behind it all

cave dweller
once high on the porch
above now below
ground still wondering
what it might mean

or doesn't
which side is more right
absolutely knowing
who is wrong and fearing
again the liar

might cheat passed
the average voter
nothing concluded
and my own dad
persuaded with fair

and balanced journalism
pack of lies
huddled and hurled
in the face of democracy
standing as he writes

for nearly now on
follow or lead
just be up front
giving your opinion
nothing concluded

may not have it
all figured out
still learning
as he goes onward
and deeper into debt

the American Dream
nothing concluded
where is he
going now
on and on...

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