Thursday, September 26, 2002

no fire for miles

when did I get like this
is a recording by hand
what I have been given
thought and a feverish pace
with which I write no wrongs
are intended for simple and or
persuasive purposes
with no regard for another
but there is no one there
so how am I wrong
to be self involved
the only self here with which
to be involved at all
this must be stopped
all at once stones thrown
smiles to the face
waited until I turned
walking away got hit by rocks
from weak throws who knows why
probably upset over something trivial
but still when did I get like this
much criticism will break me twice
just to be sure I am broken
trying to stand every time
I fall back another step
until I am so far from what I meant
to say was I can't find where
my friends went vanished into
thin air short of breath they think
it is the smoke but I know there
is no fire for miles of open road
been told many conflicting stories
won't just end when they are all over
they begin again thumping the table
to signal that I have had enough...

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