Thursday, January 10, 2002

what to do with time

what to do with time 
spent in thought he would 
have the problem keeps multiplying 
two times two still equals four 
o'clock comes too soon 
all might see for now 
what really happened 
who's really to blame 
what's this new war all about...

what to do with time 
to expose any information 
spread it while the nightly news 
only misinforms and distracts 
the public from what's really going 
on going question remains 
does anyone even care? 
funny how some may never 
explore contradictions in a flight 
from Boston to LA 
with an eternal layover in NYC 
funny how it should have been stopped 
and instead it became a televised terrorist event 
funny how his mind won't let go of 
the contradictions won't rest without truth 
while he waits another day away 
he smiles knowing very few might 
come close enough to realize 
there is more beneath the appearance...

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