Tuesday, December 12, 2000

those nights

and then there are those nights
when I don’t feel like going anywhere
or doing anything
sitting in a cold dirty restaurant
about all I can muster
the wind chill outside
makes it feel like thirty below
and my face might feel
like it might crack
and then there are those thoughts
that I can’t explain
and no one I know is around
if the train would stop
I would jump off
feet first tuck in roll
or something out of a movie
like standing in a lit hallway
waiting for some door to be open…

Sunday, December 10, 2000

forced freeze

how many ideas will it take
confidence built and stored up
for the battle of words
when someone challenges
the thought
how many days
alone tired
after waking too early
can barely lift the arm to move
how many cold windy nights
will he be forced outside
to freeze under the starry sky…

how many now?

can’t quite
grab the understanding
reading one sided words
turning something beautiful
into a dirty lustful ordeal
that only has one purpose
granted it should be guarded
not forgotten or forbidden
can’t quite
see what is supposed to be seen
in words only thing they have done
cause confusion in a mind bent
on understanding
another school of thought
been close to it before
decided to broaden the scope
of thought continuing
to add ideas to a list
of how many now?

back-flips off the keyboard

so much thought then
nothing at all to follow
without direction
lost when eyes are closed
one month ago
no idea I could have
made any of the stories real
life drawn out to the extreme
middle of every road
winding around corner and down
the straight and narrow paths
laid before him stopping
in the middle of a thought
to jump to another might swing
but he only hangs
gravity becomes the invisible rope
that pulls him straight down
into a depression created by one
of his many idiots
he has them all employed to perform
certain tasks during which time
he tends to the fire
in his mind spinning
with so much thought
and most would watch it float by
with no reaction
some grab at it and pull it close
and for one reason or another
they are internally
instructed to put that thought down
and forget that it exists
a swimming pool overflowing
and he’s doing back flips
off the keyboard…

take your time

got no interest in politics
but when something’s wrong
it’s wrong and politics shouldn’t
be an excuse to justify what’s wrong
leonard and mumia still wait for
mr. president to address the issues
they sit and stare at stone walls
and steel bars for twenty plus years now
and the leader takes his time
luckily it’s all they have is time
the leader will never address these
important issues
innocent men living in cells
for their beliefs
for their thoughts
and the actions just can’t be proven…

inside and still

the mind is so blank
it's painful
plenty of noise
and the muse may wonder
if the pen still moves
how could the mind wonder
at a time like this
less likely to understand anything
now where has all the thought gone
who has stolen the inspiration...

Saturday, December 9, 2000

look the same

want to get off the ride
want it to stop
and let me off
it is too much for me to handle
at this moment
the thoughts
don’t even sound the same
or look the same
for that matter…

run their course

1209/2000 445pm

said to have rejected god
what does it really mean
to let desires run their course
rather have them put in a cage
out of respect for the will of god
being passionate
somehow signifies openness to lust
and not compassion and caring
said to have rejected god
somehow if he lets his passion
run wild somehow this
doesn’t make sense…

no opposites now

spinning the top up from the bottom
stares as if it has got some purpose
what time is it really
thinking out loud at times only harms the balance
someone might fall back from the edge
ready to go and night won't slow it's approach
no matter who is ready and who is not

spinning the top off the table and back to the floor
less distance to fall is he is already there
where everywhere and nowhere are both lit
ends of the same candle
there's no one here to hold it steady
and light the darkened path

spinning on top of a layer of ice
forming on that which dry only days ago
sliding from one side to another
no opposites now as everything seems the same...

Friday, December 8, 2000

plenty of noise

the mind is so blank
it's painful
plenty of noise
and the muse may wonder
if the pen still moves
how could the mind wonder
at a time like this
less likely to understand anything
now where has all the thought gone
who has stolen the inspiration...