Wednesday, June 21, 2000

wild thoughts

fan spins smoke
into an eye far off
on another subject
wild thoughts
he can’t say though he may try
too hard and fall
so many hours
until then there will be moments
not believing he will make
Friday will arrive
far away with smiles
impatience doesn’t help
when the smoke clears
he lights another
doesn’t even want to deal
games friends play
more smoke taking a ride
on the fan of conversation
where has everyone disappeared to
this place used to be busy
and he sits alone
as the waitress tries to talk to him
he stares into his mind
opening it up onto these pages
ink stained reminders
of his brother
the man in the hills
standing in the garden of the gods
coming as close as anyone could
he sees him in the sunset
and the ‘carneys’ start to invade
the city dirty

and the smoke won’t clear…

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