Friday, June 30, 2000

about twenty minutes

sitting inside this big box
staring at what appears to be coffee
still unsure
the streets of the city are filled again
as if they never left
staring out these two holes
seeing out and breathing in
still being cautious
intersections of souls and minds
patient with days alone
the smoke sucked across the room
as if drawn into a vacuum
no one seems to mind much
accidentally ruining the coffee with an ash
mind painted a masterpiece
all it took was a smile…

mid afternoon sun

saying the same
words over and over
some broken record
might sound better
repetition for no good reason
angry at the self
for allowing some to get
too close even if he is immune
it’s annoying to read
fuckin tales of woe
sorry excuse at times for written words
repeating not even to stress
importance probably
repeating out of boredom
mid afternoon sun
drains the energy…

Thursday, June 29, 2000

saw him sitting lonely

some people think
he might be a lunatic
still trying to figure out
what I think
what is a suitable label
is one actually necessary
saw him sitting lonely
thought I would sit
for a cup of the city’s finest
coffee still unsure
what city we were in
figured eventually it would
come up in conversation
and if I wanted to know
what he thought bad enough
probably should have asked
did not ask and in a strange way
felt like I knew this man
always alone walking that line
nothing to prove
and some would still
call him a lunatic
push him to the side
and one that doesn’t matter
twenty-first century hippie type
faded ink on his arms
permanent most but
some random ink stains
from the pennon the page
seeing a tear in his eye
wondering which was the thought
troubling his mind
don’t dare ask as he has
not even addressed me
since I sat down…

Wednesday, June 28, 2000

shaking hand

can’t draw a straight line
from there to here
what he has said
and brought to a point
him in the right direction
lost in the shuffle
from side to side
he might hide
but those who want
to find him
will when they think
hard enough on the thoughts
that usually go unnoticed
to most unappreciated
by some who will say
otherwise and who don’t
know him well
where he made a wish
and it could come true
if he ever finds the muse…

not worth reading

what could it be
brings one to me
so much things to say
can’t wait another day
when it reveals itself
books on the shelf
ready to be read
before everyone is dead
to a world so cruel
remember the rule
do unto others
respect to our mothers
to many thoughts
stretched out on cots
what could it possibly
mean what do you see…

Tuesday, June 27, 2000

even if it never comes

down the hall
doesn’t want to leave
no wish to be granted
running to the shelter of arms
and his aren’t long enough
to reach around himself
always hoping for tomorrow
even if it never comes
enjoying the day
and as it turns to night
with a little bit of rain
riding the waves of loneliness
out until the water calms
with a crash on the shore
thunder in the distance
lightning like a strobe light
making any action
seem more deliberate
descending the stairs
and walks to his car
he watches the light go off…

breaking the fever of a day

the fever of this day
has ended
heavy rain
running down the windows
to the left
years ago
the reflection
can still be seen
with the right

Monday, June 26, 2000

always endless

sit myself down in the corner
push the pen so it
makes all the lines
and curves
and what if the evil twins
met betting it would
be an interesting meeting
the pen still moves inspired
to make a smile appear daily
and it’s all beyond my control
but will continue to try
even when cards stacked against
the impossible is imaginable
the end is never possible
because this is all endless
but the possibilities are
always endless… 

more practice

one whole side of the fence
stained by rain
hasn’t fallen today
too much hair he thinks
as humidity takes over
in the northeast
where everyone can be rude
and so few connect for real
so many mistakes
forgotten as night rolls
closer to the edge
and it’s gets sharper
each time he falls
he rises higher
when he comes back to collect
what he knows he has earned
some respect from a few
days go by without eyes
but never without the mind…

the heat

the heat can really
only be compared
to an open oven
forgot to shut it off
who is in charge
who is running this joint
burned out some
will surely say
like a candle with
no wax left to burn
on the other hand
he has plenty
even if it’s a little singed
he becomes inspired
by evening rain
and afternoon sun
and day break brilliance
the heat makes the cat
heavy in the breathing
without an extra thought
to spare…

Sunday, June 25, 2000

resting through the news

making change enough to make it last
the night might crash and burn
the pages is they sicken you with words
anything is possible to over simplify
as well as can be expected only to sell
two books filled with what is next
no one knows replacing negative
with positive for a change of thinking
at last and even if it doesn’t
the positive thinking will power
will continue to move the mind
to overcome anything now
can be stretched until it’s far enough
words spoken softly and comfortable
enough to sleep now and rest
through the news…

pen weighs a ton

probably not the right time
or the right place
slow down at the sign
but he should pick up the pace
is he all right
going the speed he is at
not thinking all night
occasionally wondering that
might destroy him with words
start from the end
finally enough strength to
corner the bend
in the river or
was it a road
still such a mystery
without a cheat code
red tin with smoke
bag of books on his back
if he was leaving
he wouldn’t even pack
for the ride
he has enough in his head
he doesn’t move fills more
books with thoughts instead
Aztec blues
two four two choruses long
remembering the day
he thought he wrote a song
never found the tune
in the dark of the sky
never found himself
until above the clouds high
mind spring up
someone wants to read
how does a stranger know
exactly what he might need
a smile and her eyes
he’s lost and she is far away
what new thought
will make the feeling stay
long enough to enjoy
analysis is not a strength
the road is winding and bumpy
he doesn’t care about the length
of the days or nights
it’s all the same
patience can be loneliness
by another name
beads worn color
less radiant than the sun
thinking on ‘what’s the deal?’
this pen it weighs a ton…

thought fiend

looking at his hands he wonders
walking backwards through time
in order to look more carefully
at where he’s gone wrong
in the past and how the present
can be stretched out endlessly
arms between two trees
balancing somehow on a tight rope
still swaying at times trying
to avoid another fall through
knowing he has a better outlook
this time looking back at his hands again
he remembers touching the face of beauty
with hands now flat on the table
and a fiend he might be
but not for what you might expect…

Friday, June 23, 2000

push it out a window

looking over words written
pages and pages of scribbling
pushing it all out the window
and into my own face
at the same time making  
a pact to put into motion
looking over words again
where will I be in years
desire to take the bull by the horns
as they say, I am a Taurus
don’t you know
if that even means anything
at all…

up early dreaming

up early again
dreaming she never left
stayed with me through the night
waking to the voice
already the start of another day
creating things that otherwise
would not exist
night drift far from ending
beginning of something
no one knows the outcome
back by this way again
straying from any rational thought
lost when pulling the cord
deploying the device
keeping gravity in check
removing what is old
and in the way…

Wednesday, June 21, 2000

with Winchester

walks in and sits down
with Winchester starts up
a conversation but
he already had one going on
the man is shaking a bit
sits and orders a meal
first chance he gets
when the food gets there
he spits something out
about being poor
and poor Winchester says
he has twenty-five and he will
pay for the man’s meal
nice gesture but I know
this man has a job
he probably cashed his check
today maybe not
sad though that he finds
it necessary to hump the old
generosity of Winchester
should I stand up and tell him the truth
about this man but maybe
he feels it worth the cost
for the added company
no one ever sits with Winchester
he put his money on the table
and was silent until the stranger left
no need for words
until he was alone again…

collecting thoughts

spend a life gathering things
putting them in imaginary boxes
possessions collecting
only to leave behind
want to find
the meaning behind
not so sure
if he belongs
of course he has things too
he is a collector of sorts
but would leave it all behind
for the freedom to roam
he has got to play the game
until he figures out how to break
the chains amused by the meeting
of strangers swept off feet
tired of walking in circles
and the sun shine warms
the corner of the room where
he sits contemplating
what he knows about
future events
foolish conversation
no longer wanting to deal the cards
laid to rest years ago
or months he doesn’t gamble
with that shit anymore
found himself standing alone
staring at the moon
shooting star and a random meeting
two familiar souls
life breathing into spent lungs
waiting stretching and catching himself
staring into eyes in the sky
generating some sort of strength
from within to swallow
all the tired words
and play eye some music
irie eyes and music lifting him above
and away from the trivial pursuit
of whatever is deemed fun this week
the sun has set
and he is a would be drunk anyway
no actual purpose or maybe
he is lying again
who’s to say maybe he
is famous by now
he is in his mind anyway…

flew the coop

wandering Joe is gone again
don’t know where
he traveled off to this time
no one know
just want to sit in silence
but the hand won’t quiet
the mind wandering Joe
was here two weeks ago
speaking about the war
the one that would devastate
New England apparently
on another plane
or maybe they finally kicked
him out for good
he was really starting to smell
it’s sad though
wandering Joe, they thought he was crazy
but very amusing as he spoke
out loud to himself
wishing him a safe return
whether he is in another world
or at a coffee shop down the street…

wild thoughts

fan spins smoke
into an eye far off
on another subject
wild thoughts
he can’t say though he may try
too hard and fall
so many hours
until then there will be moments
not believing he will make
Friday will arrive
far away with smiles
impatience doesn’t help
when the smoke clears
he lights another
doesn’t even want to deal
games friends play
more smoke taking a ride
on the fan of conversation
where has everyone disappeared to
this place used to be busy
and he sits alone
as the waitress tries to talk to him
he stares into his mind
opening it up onto these pages
ink stained reminders
of his brother
the man in the hills
standing in the garden of the gods
coming as close as anyone could
he sees him in the sunset
and the ‘carneys’ start to invade
the city dirty

and the smoke won’t clear…

Tuesday, June 20, 2000

hardly discouraged

always leave a good tip
he’ll be back
and wants to be appreciated
he takes advantage of the atmosphere
hardly discouraged
by the sticky table
and un-vacuumed floors
also ignoring the loud laughter
from the kitchen
after he orders what he considers
his dinner breakfast food maybe
hardly discouraged
he doesn’t pay much attention
notices some pain in his elbow instead
hoping it isn’t from falling
from words written
overload the fragile mind
the dam will burst
with all this pressure…

monotony of the mind

dropping thoughts
like heavy objects
thud to the floor
might crack under weight
until darkness arrives
pulled across the sky like
a blanket hiding beauty
above or below the sign
there’s a note haven’t got
to read it yet it’s been there
for days may have been one
someone left for me
or one I wrote myself
more than likely of no importance
seen behind clouds
black sky night only interruption
being the conversation
under the sky a welcomed break
in the monotony of a mind
bent on exploration
bent mind spiraling
out of control…

Monday, June 19, 2000

running for no good reason

running for no good
reason left at the start
of a day and a smile
don’t get to see it
know it is there
running into walls
and closed doors
for so long nights and busy days
melting together
if the word is necessary
it will be used and confused
with desire and thoughts
don’t always have to reference
the yabyum here he comes
peddling strange words
like candy to those
whose eyes can see
passed ink and pages
paint and canvass
emotion spilling from a mind
overflowing with thoughts
and things that might not
make sense to anyone anytime

smoother than ink

blinding orange sky
turning dark the alley nights
creeping into focus
mentally on the third time around
a little luckier and maybe
it takes skill to understand
because emotions can turn
any situation in chaos
created itself in the wave
emotion controlled can be beauty
never before seen
in a dream possibly
flying low over the city of champions
can’t always listen to the words
arm burns as I write
racing nowhere at break neck speed
coming to a spot within myself
barely recognize walking by the glass
breaking down below
held pierced by eight o’clock sirens
screaming from across the city
should go now and take the twenty minutes
don’t want to snuff the candle before
it burns bright as the sky
no matter east or west facing
my mind doesn’t change
just twists and bends
in a road higher in altitude
breathing in the thin of the air
lonely for no good reason
plenty of thoughts to enjoy
meditate with pen in hand
arm still burning because I don’t stop
words rolling off the tip smoother
than the ink that draws them
the mind creates them
whether I choose it or not
taking a deep breath of the humid air
sinking deeper into a place
can’t seem to escape
the mind finding release in the naked
pages stripped of their purity
by my words and thoughts
what on earth am I doing here
on the hard floor of the porch
apartment number two…

neighborhood noise

just wish they would stop
with all the noise
some kids down on the corner
using their parents car
as a jungle gym
the horn is being leaned on
both hands by the youngest
probably 5 years old
teenagers babysitting seems
to be the case but they are absently
playing with their phones
being extra loud as well
they don’t even see me up here
but surely I see them
and could hear them
even if out of sight
this irie eye and my purple
sunset sky a message from my guru
received here back east
how could I have prepared
for what I should have known
all along can I handle this strain
horn blows again
feeling myself sounding old
and in the way
isn’t that a bluegrass band
up here perched like a vulture
waiting for inspiration
or the rain to visit again
ink stains remind and remain
on the mind and distractions
causing the stumble
onto an already scarred knee…

730 Monday

playing with the idea
that I still might be on vacation
or something like that
as if I am far away from all
the things that never make sense
anyway and here I sit wasting
the day with words that some might
read and others won’t even see
hidden behind words on pages
a prison of ink bars so strong
another beautiful sunset
and everything appears more
three-D than usual
night in the life of the hermit
writer out on the floor of the porch
at seven-thirty on a Monday...

no one knows when I am listening

really wouldn’t mind
some apple pie or ice cream
or something sweet like candy
and I let my mind wander off
listening to the couple in the next booth
speak Spanish a word or two here and there
they don’t mind because they probably
don’t know I am listening
sometimes it is what is fun about writing
no one knows when I am listening
no on knows when I am deep in thought
or staring blankly out the window…

just don't think

join the army
or go to college
drink beer smoke butts
get a job get married
buy a house have some kids
make money spend money
spend more get drunk
have sex grow a beard
shave it off grow it back
walk a mile sing a song or something
go to church believe in something
don’t think just follow the crowd
don’t think you could be a poet
do what they do and everything
will be fine just don’t think...

clean cup

another gray day
brings to mind
thoughts and fear
cup of coffee too hot
to drink no one is here today
just an elderly woman
and myself she is down one end
and I am at the other
she is facing the wall
and if I look straight ahead
I am looking at matted white
hair on the back of hers
not really thinking about her
just observing the scene
surrounding me and I don’t
confine myself in this spot for any
reason except it used to be a spot
where friends could find me
now no one is looking
and I am alone staring
at the back of a stranger’s head
kind feel pathetic a bit sitting here
in a restaurant that is pretty far from
clean and I can't remember the last
time I got a clean cup…

Sunday, June 18, 2000

fish out of water

all he needed was a taste
and he is hooked
a fish out of water
now fiend-ing for that altitude
much clearer and cleaner
it seemed to choke him up at times
he has allowed himself to get caught
up in the web of twenty-five years
in the same place so much
left unseen in other places
two hours difference
but so much different
surely it must have some
negative aspects
none to be seen in six days
back to the grind tomorrow
only if he lets it grind him down
much gained in days gone
back to where he started from
a muse dwells here too
sunset and full moon
rising on another new attitude
towards everyone and everything
even if no one or nothing
will change around him…

what's the point?

a couple days now
as the clouds roll over
eyes close as time off
comes to an end
becoming the beginning
of something new ideas and thought
flood the mind back
to where I started
years since
and maybe it’s only been days
maybe everyone is as confused
but no one will admit it
everyone laughs over breakfast
on the east coast
no one acknowledges another
unless they already know
and even then it’s a struggle
to get people to connect
it’s no wonder everyone
seems so angry
and no I don’t remember
what my point was going to be…

Thursday, June 15, 2000

how, will be revealed

Colorado Springs, CO

exactly where I left off
fruits and vegetable
and the early hours
starting to get to me
all the smoke
has got to go
how? will be revealed in time
just as arrival
the departure is dread-able
still somewhat unnoticed
mountain gods
have many a good story
to tell and I am still listening
four nights straight
taking notes suggesting to myself
to think tomorrow as I have today
with patience and compassion
heading towards all the many changes
upon returning…