Sunday, March 7, 1999

thought thunderbolt

who moves the pen
writes as if it has its own set of thoughts
for any emotion
becomes a topic for internal discussion
can turn ugly at times
it is so easy then it’s too hard
on the hand
limited in movement
towards the positive
emotions will bring smiles yield to sadness
ends as well
realized to be deeper than once assumed
it could be done alone
the moon can be seen
as bringing some happiness
the ultimate goal to shoot for
tomorrow might come
back with pen in hand
placed tight over a wanting mouth
hungry for truth and to regain all lost
in battle or in vain
love and lose sight of all that’s important
things become struggling points
finally to the sun center
thought thunderbolt
forced concentration

knowing what the orange sky means
a pure white cannot be predicted
when or where the pen will land when thrown
into the ring with the champ
who I do not know
what to count on one hand with a ring
at the door and no one is there
maybe spirits shifting through the between
two points there has got to be a voyage
extending the limits of what is understood
or get confused with all the words
will hide the importance
lies right here in this moment
when emptiness enters the heart
can be broken daily
affirmations astounding the skeptics
still don’t see but eyes given are tools that fail
heart forced clear vision using the third
attained through unlearning what’s taught
clearly without distraction
and the pen moves without a choice
to rethink teachings to accept it
what may or may not be
here and now is the only moment
thought thunderbolt
forced concentration…

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