Monday, March 29, 1999

hear me anyway

stop the think tank
aimed to destroy
on the path
wherever it may lead
only follow with speed
pick up where left alone
to figure it all out
all are struggling to come to terms
with what is going on
hear the scream

sunk deep down
dirty hands wash repeatedly
tortured for who knows what
it all might mean
need to work a little harder
to clean the dirt off
from the top back down to the bottom
can't cut the hand off might never come clean
can only try harder each time

cars will speed passed another milestone
left turned upside down from where it came
up with all these false hopes and dreams
are never as great as they are in the mind
might explode someday might even get to see
another smile and return the generosity
or greed or whatever faced will be overcome

watch if you like that sort of deconstructing of the mind
a terrible thing to use too often stuck with only it
might never make sense to anyone around
don't even know don't have the time to complete one
never mind the sympathetic return
turning the heart back on determination
to make it last time confidence reached so high
got snowed in and stuck

what's the purpose in these lines
see circles forming barely enough time
to hear the words are only words
repositioned to confuse those following
leading or reading or thinking
about plans for tomorrow
won't remember by then these words
anyway so what's the use
in standing here
me anyway...

embrace peace

oh America
when will you open your arms
and embrace peace
allow true justice to shine
without doubt turn the policing eye
on the corruptions all around
pushing until only chaos
can push back when confined
when will the politicians
see that the people can lead
force doesn’t lead to peace
it leads to more control
someday we may recover
but the real illness is internal
peace is what happens
when power is not based on
who kills the most
who will survive unless
we realize the power of peace

oh America
what would allen think
being Buddhist
being dead
travelling the between
what would henry think
being alone mind always
at walden
a state of mind
finding the power of peace

oh America
the cherry blossoms are bleeding
and we are making more enemies
as a country we have enough
stand instead for peace
equality justice and liberty
maybe then the world would follow
force something to happen
and it will not be real
remembering the past
and learning from all the forefathers
right the wrongs and reaching strong
for the power of peace

oh America
such a sad situation
we the people still yet
to have our say
we trust elected decisions
but can see the strings still
attached to a power
in control that is out of control
would it really be so hard
to embrace the power of peace

oh America
this is serious too
money may buy votes
and more power and more control
but peace shouldn't cost a thing
when hatred has been transcended
peace should shine on the other side
no doubt though
that it has been there all along
unlocking the power of peace

oh America
don’t let us the people down
we have no choice but to be here
locked into a nightmare
melting pot boiling over
seas to where the money
and dollar signs blink the most
we don’t have the option
of trying somewhere else out
we are here so why can’t we find
the power of peace…

death by loneliness

it isn’t possible to die from loneliness
what ridiculous thoughts pound the mind
un-expecting why do they sit there
and why don’t I ask
returning for a second visit
to this somber place
wonder what the girl thinks
as she says “back again?”
not really… I think
smiling as I put my head back
into my book onto this page
it tells me to write
what thought says is irrelevant
but I will write it anyway…

Monday, March 22, 1999

absolute uncertainty

a rainy day
might clear
my mind clouded
vision when I sit
punching holes
in the carpet
thick under foot
spins my head for a spell
it backwards sounds
the same raindrops
used to know exactly
what I wanted
feel something
without a doubt
but then found it all
at once too many rainy days
in a row make me worry a bit
about a future full of
absolute uncertainty…

spilled coffee

spilled coffee
all over my thought
spin dry and continue
on another page
but are they the same
as they would have been
on another left a stain
lost a page others
will arrive doubting
any wasted space
being such a vast area
for thought to dwell in
what do others think about…

nothing concluded 100

the sky's starting
to lighten up
guess we could
all learn from
absolute fear

in the end
of a dream
pure truth and reality
don't even know
what tomorrow

might bring singing for
the end of sorrow
holding on tight
to the one and only constant
nothing concluded...

rainy day laughter

the joker just sits there
in the corner with
that cackle that doesn’t stop
just laughing because he
is trying to make the best of his life
two dollars to his name
welcome to the nut house
so much chemical imbalance
the whole room might tip
the staff just tells the rest
to ignore the guy in the corner
but he fills the entire room
with laughter without diagnosing
the problem we are all left
to observe a rainy day with muzak
singing silently as cooking sounds
echo from the kitchen
the joker still roars with laughter…

sick ones

just one of the sick ones
when eyes met what was
the thought two years
later you would hope to know
instead we doubt it all
and resort to thinking
the we might be sick ones
who will be looked over
as part of the human experiment
and the crazy doctors
line up to cash these checks
while we all try to figure out
what it could possibly
be keeping happiness away
one of the sick ones
sucked dry to the bone
by many who are more like
sponges absorbing it all
and always remembering
getting close
and being close
only results in being
left empty when the experiment
has ended and like the dream
and isn’t initially believed
but must be for someone’s sake
and of course I can admit weakness
but not defeat or realization
of some kind of mistake
and of course bringing
it all upon myself which
is part of the experiment
and I just cannot understand
how contradiction so heavy
and extreme can be accepted
as real and maybe not alone
in being confused
just one of the sick ones…

Saturday, March 13, 1999

blue and black

never any fairness
in some game
getting played
using bigger blocks
up higher
the walls made
it impossible
to get through
and a barrier formed
around the spot
a comfort that
now the spot
cold cement
becomes the seat
breathing slowed
feeling the heart beat
face down
for the moment
near water
covered with sand
reach up finally
still hard to stand
stayed too long
got caught in the web
of blue and back
very little strength
for an attack


left walking through
the emptiness of this head
out of it and spinning
like the walking dead
hearing words
someone else sings
knowing the truth
daily bell rings
don’t ever know what they
meant with three small words
don’t ever know how death
took all the birds
at once heard them sing
their high above song
all that is gone
and it’s been too long
still see the eyes
looking into the glass
still hear the wind
as it passes by fast
it’s never been real
and truth will reveal
too much to not feel
and emptiness at the wheel…

the muse is dead

the door is locked
no way to get in
won’t make it without
immediate attention
attention forced onto
older aspects trying
to find footing
where I was before
the sickness took over
and I killed my muse
merely to see if it was real

Monday, March 8, 1999

seen as the bridge

must meet in the road on your own
washing away selfishness
with acts for others
imitation is the beginning
but can lead to dangerous
light teaches but light can fade
we are all students deserving respect
rafts for others as we need to be
a positive way to reach a different
possibly new understanding
or just see things in a different light
maybe that light too fades
maybe everything can be questioned
eventually and seen as the bridge
to get where we are going
rafts are useful too but need to be left behind

Sunday, March 7, 1999

thought thunderbolt

who moves the pen
writes as if it has its own set of thoughts
for any emotion
becomes a topic for internal discussion
can turn ugly at times
it is so easy then it’s too hard
on the hand
limited in movement
towards the positive
emotions will bring smiles yield to sadness
ends as well
realized to be deeper than once assumed
it could be done alone
the moon can be seen
as bringing some happiness
the ultimate goal to shoot for
tomorrow might come
back with pen in hand
placed tight over a wanting mouth
hungry for truth and to regain all lost
in battle or in vain
love and lose sight of all that’s important
things become struggling points
finally to the sun center
thought thunderbolt
forced concentration

knowing what the orange sky means
a pure white cannot be predicted
when or where the pen will land when thrown
into the ring with the champ
who I do not know
what to count on one hand with a ring
at the door and no one is there
maybe spirits shifting through the between
two points there has got to be a voyage
extending the limits of what is understood
or get confused with all the words
will hide the importance
lies right here in this moment
when emptiness enters the heart
can be broken daily
affirmations astounding the skeptics
still don’t see but eyes given are tools that fail
heart forced clear vision using the third
attained through unlearning what’s taught
clearly without distraction
and the pen moves without a choice
to rethink teachings to accept it
what may or may not be
here and now is the only moment
thought thunderbolt
forced concentration…

count on

wisps of hair
across a pale face
in the right direction
and just keep on walking
out to the edge
maybe best to throw myself
to the mercy of whatever
situation ensues
pursuing the inevitable
truth will be exposed
with dry skin hands
watching the page bleed
scratch it with this thought
flat back and waiting
sirens sound and brakes screech
the sun gives hope though
tomorrow is too far away
to be counted on…

hard to believe

hard to believe
still somehow thinking
there is a chance
to run with the bulls
throwing down at the table
couple of real high rollers
nothing to lose
words in the ring with
heavy weights
won’t go down for the count
unless knocked out
within the mind the battle
toughest to win
who is watching anyway
words spin silent
watching while many pass…

thinking rebirth

snow giving up
after filling the night air
the sun melts the cold
almost spring thinking
rebirth right around the corner
stopping in my tracks
to watch the snow melt
tears of winter darkness
light lifted to new heights
without help this time around
shouldn’t get any tougher
the wait is almost over
snow is almost gone
rebirth anticipated spring arriving
an end to winter
doldrums of the mind…

assuming heaven

arms extended side to side
those of a plane aimed upward
assuming heaven
will weight burn the muscles
the roar of the engine
seems unreal
and landing gear becomes
useless at forty thousand
selfish as it seems desire doesn’t fade
only a crash seems inevitable
only ocean below unless caught
in the wind skipping across
the atmosphere likes rocks on a lake
arms becoming heavy as gravity forces
a deeper descent tranquility
momentary as earth doesn’t move
a moments time energy enough
for an eternity shared one moment
assuming that’s what it is like…   

Friday, March 5, 1999

sort of contentment

found my balance in uncertainty
then lost it somewhere in happiness
the walls came down
relaxation took over
and the fire burned me
this time it felt more real
was somehow convinced
the world wouldn’t take my word for it
keep it moving to avoid
the bullets aimed at feet
stumble still smiling stand staring
the mirror has always been cracked
from end to end
realization there is none
lost the game
didn’t want to play the song
never knew the words
balance returned with over due
library books never got to read
no matter how fast
driving away from the setting sun
gets me nowhere fast
darkness still arrives
home still holds
a sort of contentment
and it is happiness stifled
at the moment
it avoids me …

empty suitcase

the November moon
to send the letter
all I have left with me
is an empty suitcase
and a pouch of rolling tobacco
lack of something else
withdraw from view
in order to survive
where none of the faces
are recognizable anymore
trying to remember still
the eyes I no longer see
happiness really never left
smile still strong
even if no one sees it…

Thursday, March 4, 1999

on the pot

overheard them say
‘he must be on the pot’
not even sure I know
what they meant
figured they were referring
to me sitting in the corner
writing as a semi busy breakfast spot
listening to their conversation
felt I could since they
included me to begin with
can’t figure out how
they came to their conclusion
don’t really mind
wasn’t going to stay long
just had to get a few thoughts out
thought this place might be
as good a place as any…

over and over

how so other thinkers do it
night and day
beat themselves up
for thoughts left unwritten
forgotten as the smoke fades
only traces remain
on an unwashed shirt
can’t shake the urge to sit and write
so many thoughts not knowing
how they got here
what a journey
until I put them here
pushing out to an edge
so sharp make it mine
over and over
feet might fail
and my mind unraveled
in front of you
what is the point
just thoughts its all I have
screaming and can’t fit
into the mold
swing and miss
over and over
already having exposed too much
of who I am
where I haven’t been
brought me here always
anywhere better than
inside the hollow…

Wednesday, March 3, 1999

everyone wrong

trying to clear the smoke
does a number on the body
craves the feeling
a depressing burn
causing the mind to flip flop
back and forth
time around today
day three times and the day is gone
the body shakes a bit
and tries to be free
snap out as the match breaks before
making a flame catches the eye
distracts the mental formation
of torture and the battle
just begun
to make sense enough to see
the damage done with this or that
won’t satisfy the strong
will survive this detox from smoke
may fail but hoping to
prove everyone wrong…

shining corpse

sun shining and
the words are stuck deep
the body lies in front of us
we do not want to kneel and pray
it’s no longer who we want to remember
the bible is quoted to ease
pain of the departed
the journey in between
strange the way we look at death
sun still shining
and the words fade
as the color in the face to gray
a tear or two at the edge of the casket
words stuck deep within…

who's the fool

the day is winding down
slowing to a halt
can’t find where it was
left off yesterday
could tell me where
my mind is
won’t ask
instead ten hours pass
like clouds in the six o’clock sky
who is he trying to fool
with this new attitude…

don't always know

up against and in front of
a wall don’t know what
she is waiting for
her hugs just aren’t the same
its simple
she acts like she doesn’t know
this is her practice
hard to understand what all of this is

up against the wall
see it all fear the fall
wind nearly tears my hair
out as a withdrawal
finally cooled midday
to midnight
calling out to her

train going the wrong way
on the tracks barreling
toward oblivion
the birds are flying in place
as if they need the practice
shiver as she calls to know
trust the judgment
but still not sure
what I am thinking…