Tuesday, October 14, 1997

I am nothing without me

have you met the man I know not what you see
when you look into his eyes blur at the sight
of your sadness coming from your heart I

try to offer some comforting words I know they are
not needed you have all you need without me
I am nothing without me so as he

enters or rings the phone is placed back where it belongs
after a very short and uninteresting conversation
he hates speaking over the

wires where small animals run without the fear of
falling here I am standing both feet on the
ground and I am scared and I am sure you

have some degree of fear as well for other reasons
you will not leave the dwelling for you
found all you need there without me I am

nothing without me this man about whom I speak
freely swinging from day to day waiting to
go to see what no one alive sees he cares

not that no one sees him, you don’t see him either
you will argue with me on this point but I
know no one sees him constant storm in his

mind constant web he can view all and though you
know his name you know not his goal I feel
bad not for me but for him because I don’t

matter he does to me anyway like I was saying
all I tried to offer was some compassion and I           
ask nothing expect nothing but I know

you have all you need without me
I am nothing without me…

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