Wednesday, September 10, 1997

what are we waiting for

what you said to me so true I know how sad it          
sounds like we need some faith in the
government runs the show us what they can

do me a favor and don’t put too much faith in a
government that did the same some years
ago just the same story told over and over

involving different characters acting as though they   
are the police of the world intervening here
and there but why don’t they give help

where it is needed and confused a bit something
got lost along the way we cringe at the history of
this country when they stole this land from the

natives, killing, raping, stealing, what they     
want is power over others and what about
them what they want or deserve

reaction ended in war outrage at the
camps though many perished
some fifty years ago a peaceful

spiritual land stolen and everyone watches as the
leader of Tibet is forced into exile, those
with power to make things right do

nothing, what are they waiting for?
no one is going to invite the president
to play golf with chairman mao he is dead

mr. president
can’t you do anything to free a people
who are losing their culture their heritage their land

their freedom
what are we waiting for?
war is not the answer

we have intervened over less in the
past the only reason that our country is not
lending it’s hand is because there is nothing
in it for them and this saddens me
what are we waiting for?…

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