Sunday, April 20, 1997

i am taking notes

I am taking notes:
studying the interesting ways and tactics
that parents use to turn a perfectly quiet child
into a miniature screaming lunatic
remember these same guardians on Sunday morning
long ago the practicing catholic once
Sunday mass the ritual sacrifice
seems like that same screaming baby was there
week after week
back of the church the crying room
we all know god doesn’t want to be
troubled with screaming baby Andy
put him in a sound proof room
I want to be that screaming baby
living in a world of fat free
overweight health food nut bag pseudo
intellectual generation ‘xercise’ and I
want to scream can you hear me now?
then six overly orange girls arrive looks like
they just came from the gym
why the do the put up the exercise façade
and smoke menthol cigarettes,
yeah you’re going to quit tomorrow,
just like me…
a society based on thoughts and ideas
no one is right but me, me, me, me
and I sing in a voice no one can hear,
but do I really mind?...

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