Friday, March 29, 2019

Seven Years Ago

My life completely changed 7 years ago tonight...  At that time I lived in Hanson, MA and worked a part time job in Plymouth, MA.  For the sake of re-hashing everything in my mind which happens from time to time anyway, let's just say it was the worst 6 hours of my life.  In that time though I realized that everything about my life was about to change.

And did it ever change.  Shortly after that night I moved to Pembroke and rented a room from my friend Joe.  After 2 years I decided to move back to Brockton with my family in the compound we all call home.  

Since 2014 I have been back at my childhood home in Brockton.  The house is double the size it was when I was a kid and my sister, her husband and their 2 girls all call this place home along with myself and my parents.  We all share the cost of living in such a huge place and we all have plenty of room.  Not far down the road my brother and his two boys live in the house where my grandparents lived for nearly 50 years.  I love my family and the fact that we are all still so close.

There are parts of my pre-2012 life that I will always miss, but walking away when I did and not looking back is something I will never regret.  I am in a better place with myself and now hold down 2 great jobs that keep me busy enough to be more than content.

and now for my Zen moment

Friday, March 22, 2019

lil sprout

I like it when the seed sprouts like this, 
I dunno it just kinda looks cool, no?

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

garden update

everyday something new to see
watch everyday as the babies push 
through the soil and become green knuckles

week 3 of flower for GC #1 & #2
the canopy spread is the best I have been able to achieve
trying to use all the available light 
and create many bud sites 
they will all have an equal chance of getting big 
the light is as high as it can be without changing the hardware 

this is day one of the flower cycle

these two pictures were taken yesterday on day 18 of flower 

these two pictures are taken at a different angle on the same day

I am really enjoying all the time I get to spend in Black Sheep Garden.  I am not quite in Club 15, but I am surely not part of Group-85.  There aren't many people who would know what I am talking about here, but I have been doing a lot of reading about growing medical cannabis.  That explains random references to things that might not mean much to those who don't garden.  

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

front porch again

front porch again
back to when sat 2nd floor
front porch on the floor
waiting for friends to arrive
not too sure where
all those friends are now
but my hope is they are doing well
some remember me and some 
probably don't and that's okay too
front porch where I belong again
have but one path to travel
and it always lead me back to this spot
in my mind that travels with me
while I travel within it
grabba & ganja ready to eye spark
that journey tonight only the mind knows
and it reveals it slowly as reality can only 
handle so much until it becomes 
a wave of tiredness that allows the body 
to come to rest after maybe one more
revelation for the day and it is to be 
more disciplined...

Monday, March 11, 2019

the journey it is

something necessary 
to stop
the monotony 
that regular life 
becomes somehow 
someone asked and got an answer
that led them here 
and then he is two people
and things just got interesting again
and that too is necessary 
because someone
has to remind everyone 
to wake up and live
or they forget the purpose
the journey 
it is...