Tuesday, March 26, 2013

light it up

just about
one year
never shedding
another tear
rather breathe that rasta air
they will judge—don’t care
and never will again
shouldn't have back then
where I've been
and when
only one message to send
no fear
only love is needed
anger has finally receded
no matter of fact just mistreated
and only hatred greeted
at the door of where I felt safe
quickly turned into a strange place
never looked at betrayals ugly face
understand it was quite the waste
of time blame on me
self-learned lesson
lack of love the real recession
lack of confidence the real depression
self-realization another higher session
stepping off the cloud knowing
over-standing higher
burning out the memory trail
mastering the fire
all the cards are on the ground
I will never tire
add these final thoughts
to the yearlong full grown pyre…

Monday, March 4, 2013

cannot compare

fit in to the busy day
turns to night over and again
days become weeks months
a year since the worst six hours
all the years
the feeling in that box
cannot compare
then the hollow feeling tattooed
in the mind as if a flashback
occurred in a fit of sadness
like a shiver up the spine
stronger now somehow…

Sunday, March 3, 2013

support humanity

so often hearing blind
support for the military
seeing the upsetting looks
when I refuse to support war
the terrorists won’t be able to get us
if the military is home ready to act
to be a patriotic American does not
mean unwavering support for
unending unconstitutional wars
and occupation of foreign lands
nothing that I have been taught
makes going along with the insanity
of war makes sense
and nothing I have learned tells me I
am wrong for opposing war
who do I support?
I support humanity which does
include the military
but I do not support the job they do
they carve up the world for the rich
who take the natural resources and
profit from the money it generates
we are no safer and democracy is not
being spread and freedom is not being
protected it’s being eroded at home
seems no one remembers how these
wars began with fear fed lies
I support humanity and I know the world
is really fucked up and I know there are crazy people
but making war and killing people is having no
regard for humanity
I still support humanity in the midst of people
who are more offended by profanities
coming from my mouth
then they are about the violence and death
brought to us by military drones
and I don’t blame the people
but they are conditioned into
complacency and it’s a tough fight
to keep from being sucked in
I support humanity and the truth
undo the lies and end all wars…

just talk

don’t want to argue
just want to talk truth
when interpreting the news
the truth shouldn’t be buried
in a bag of lies
let’s agree we really don’t know
what is being done in our name
chances are it is pretty terrible
we are all stuck in the matrix
and it drives one nuts to obsess over things
we have no control over
but it’s supposed to be ‘of, by & for the people’
that’s us so we should know what’s going on
we have got to find truth now
decipher it for ourselves
with technology every one of us has the ability
to do research from the comfort of home
still easier to just watch what the msm has to show
question everything I research and watch as the truth
resurfaces and see how it is all connected…