Wednesday, July 21, 2010

day to day ramble

a ramble that won't ever stop
the madness of an ordinary day
to day transitions hardly noticed
many things on the way to this point
to the part that makes sense
out of a ramble that might be hard
to get moving once stopped
and left dormant thoughts build up
need to find their way out
through a hole this ramble dug
to release some pressure

a ramble that won't ever stop
right in the middle of one thought
onto the next time the ramble comes
out of nowhere nothing between
mind and pen at that moment
the ramble takes over this time and space
for thoughts to take hold of something
tangible the way the humidity makes
the air all around feel heavy
as the ramble rolls on...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

with the wind

the wind always picks up
when he’s thinking deeply
about life and what it might mean
everything means something
isn’t that what they say
the wind dies down a bit
he feels the humidity
his arm sticks to the page
only he see his smoke
travel with the wind
as it reveals something
each moment it moves
the air and if he had any
it would move his hair…

stare long enough

when staring sometimes
sight gets blurred
nothing can be seen
stare long enough
into nothing
the mind numbs
fully conscious black out
time freezes for a moment
only in the mind
the clock hands still move
in the other room
caught staring out a window
got lost in all the green
makes the room disappear
is the glass even there
at that moment who wouldn’t feel relaxed
find that moment
as often as possible
staring and getting stuck in the stare…

Friday, July 16, 2010

water glass

water glass not clear through
new eyes
see truth is life is hard
rough road for any and every
one minute water is like glass
and the next intense waves
of emotion shoot
through the pen and
only one gets to watch
the ink dry on the page
every few days necessary
if not daily
thought will get trapped
up inside…

it wasn't supposed to

where to begin to understand this life
has got to mean something
like the smell of fire
that lingers as the last hints of smoke
trail into sunset trees
reflection seen in table glass
what comes next
whatever it is it too will pass
too quick want to slow it all down somehow
where to rebuild some confidence
never held to one set of rules
tomorrow will come even if we don't get it
probably never will
where to begin right here in the moment
every moment counts as long as we let
them fall behind to make room
for all that is new about today
it won't make sense
it wasn't supposed to
where to begin and how we fit in...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

leaf from branch

sitting breathing living
enjoying the day
and all it has brought
to this reality
that is here right now
and a cool breeze reminds
the mind to release itself
into the wind
like leaf from branch
not worried about the fall or flight
just flowing until the mind returns
a seated position relaxed
without pressure to be that way
just relaxed and floating feline
from table to floor with a thud
then continue on it's way
no thought on distance of fall
relaxed again sitting watching
wind ripple water in the pool
reflecting sky clouds and sun
mind returns again
as pen dances across the page
hardly knowing what
words will come next...