Wednesday, December 9, 2009

pencil thought

on the front step
under the ledge
off to the right
first snow storm
turned windy
and driving rain
an inch and a half
becomes a slushy mess
to walk or drive through

the neighbors driving
to and from their houses
don't notice me sitting here
scribbling in pencil
my thoughts written
while others go about
their day quite differently
keeping a collection of thoughts

some might call them random...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

12 hours ago

twelve hours ago
the day began
ice under feet
where water at sunset yesterday
closer and closer
to the shortest day of the year

twelve hours ago
and I am still tired of the grind
can't say for sure
if I love my job or what I do
only can say I love where I am at
trying to stay positive everyday

twelve hours ago
rubbing the sleep from eyes
weary definitely had enough sleep
weary as hell when the day first began
now quite sore from the days work
like everyday

twelve hours pass in
the blink or an eye
or two...