the snow has stopped falling
and the new year has
brought with it a severe
chill in the air
fingers start to go numb
with all this snow
he is left without a chair
so he crouches in the wind
leaning against the house
as if it might keep him steady
on a night like this
his feet are probably asleep
but he isn't paying attention
he can't afford that now
he is channeling this thought
running out room on the page
he has to hold and pay attention
to every movement
he might make a mistake
he finally feels the uncomfortable
way his legs will feel when he finally
stands alone and looks down at the
imprints the boots will form
a spot below the uncomfortable
he will feel fearing a fall
but wishing it was at least that warm
weather and the harvest
it could bring the garden is not
forgotten just dreamed of at the moment
someday it will be reality
injecting positive will erase all the negative
he fights with the newly formed
team and they might finally
realize he is not going anywhere
he knows her tears were not real
he knew the words would
eventually come
taken a lot less time
and meaning
so much more
nothing before has been so strong
stood so high
unassisted but dreaming of the good
it would do to keep
himself from slipping
on the ice below his feet
the pressure needs to be straight down
lights another flame to his only
remaining addiction
aside from the pen
he'll never drop...