we have shared
rushing into the mind
all at once
so hard to imagine
not taking the chance
where would we be
seeing the moon tonight
through the tallest
tree in the yard
all the moments and sunshine
out on the deck
together we can do
anything with all
the moments
everything with us
is so beautiful
all the moments
add up to one
night after night
happiness all over
all the moments
when no one knew
but us and a chosen few
cat-tail question mark
“who are you?”
all the moments
across from those
eyes-I am the luckiest
one all the moments
are ours to share
together as long as we
both still breathe we will
walk around
the block together
all the moments
adds up to one
love said it before
never meant it like this
time around
I am not judging
myself for mistakes
none here where
all the moments
love the attention
given to such
detail is amazing
the closer the better
all the moments I have
left I want to share them
with you