Tuesday, August 29, 2006

halfway across

listening to the rain
knowing somehow that act alone
is about as free as we get
halfway across the country
in the middle of nowhere
someone with something special to say
back to the solitary nights
this pen is the crutch
can see as I walk from here to there
until morning and the eyes begin
to cross like they were t’s
until morning
when sun shakes water from leaves
behind the wall
underneath all the darkness
and rain written black ink white page
trying to fit back into my skin
after all these years
so many thoughts uninterrupted
dreams waking three
maybe four times
after sleep has come
nearly one am with nothing to say…

Saturday, August 26, 2006

my brother travels(for the record)

my brother travels westward tomorrow
might take two full days
before he is high in the mountains
thoughts and positive energy for
his safe passage…

for the record
we are closer than ever today
he needs to leave in order
to someday return
and no matter where
he finally settles
we will always be this close
for the record
it is a dream I will
never let go of
and when I wake he will be gone
my guru the man
I call my brother
and best friend…

Saturday, August 12, 2006

red alert(for the record)

red alert
more restrictions
will apply pressure
on the liberty
it’s been planned
months years even decades now
admitted surprises work better
to induce fear
it’s probably how the rich
we don’t know run the world
no longer merely pre midnight thought
hung out on the postgame show
tires screeching
as for some the night has
just begun
still drinking coffee
as if to stay up for a fight
for the record
obviously internal
no one else is here…

Thursday, August 3, 2006

and beyond

first night productive in a couple of weeks
the wind picks up and suddenly it’s 100
back down twenty or so it seems
even if it’s still high eighties
planes overhead that sound like cars
when I used to sit at Bickford’s
drinking shitty coffee and smoking cigarettes

completely crooked standing still
at the bottom of the hill
looking upward and onward
passed all my mistakes
empty pockets where hands once were
too generous until the hole dug
enormous and I don’t know which way is up
branches crack in the backyard late
someone taking the shortcut home
what if I leave some morning
and no one hears from me again
these days truly stranger than fiction
how many pages spent until something
makes sense here and beyond…

better than snow(for the record)

one hundred degrees
is not the norm
in the north east
this humidity can only
be experienced
not even talked about
everything is melting
ideas onto paper
nothing can stop it
water eating ice
sink swim or fall
whenever January to July
further beyond the coldest month
for the record
the heat is better than snow
take it over cold
any day and just as
pen melts into page
the temperature
starts to drop
and twenty degrees
in two hours
how about that
the rest of the night
enjoying a smile
like no other…