Wednesday, April 28, 1999

known for sure

when it all changes
seems the same again
change again
right back at it
no one is here
this is all I know
write it down
think it out
there has got to be a way
better than
small pocket of time
all wrong in my mind…

wall bound

driving into a wall
betrayal and darkened
against the wall
leaning and starting to unravel
a story
bike rides by
through a puddle
against the wall…

two months later

what’s the purpose
what’s even been done
and who really cares
forgot that idea
as it was rightly ignored
and as I stumbled around
well known it wasn’t
going well
what’s the purpose
of the emotion
no one wants to swim in the ocean
maybe happiness
rather sink or in the sink float
never move up
go thirsty drinking
from a broken cup
believing a false reality
pretending it was all good
rather be lonely
then watch misery pretend
happy like walking backwards
through the gate
into a garden there
isn’t one flower left…

series of events

met one day
knew what I  thought
I knew
ended up not knowing enough
always coming around
entering the room
energy incomparable
miss that part
memories start to organize
series of events
spread over time
thought slide show
on the brain
starts in the car
after the movie
sling blade
good night kiss…

whaling from a kayak

the man in the kayak
spit grease on the rug
and because of that
he was asked about
the upcoming expedition
why has he never taken off his shoes
only wish is to see through walls
and make bird calls is what he said
he wouldn’t be serious and stand up straight
would make eye contact with anyone
cried that whaling had always been
like breathing for him
especially done from the kayak

Tuesday, April 27, 1999

sudden strangers

one week now
bare it all
familiar have become
sudden strangers
state of mind
not important
stand up straight
or sit and cringe
nerves banging on thoughts
bouncing around like
a pinball machine
internal and flipping out
reigns seized and a fall
beneath the wheels
might be unavoidable
losing when winning
is on the mind
or only in the mind
everything seems planned
how randomly wrong…

un-kept promises

the days
don’t get any easier
to catch
a glimpse of happiness
right there all along
the watchtower playing in the back ground
something keeping it here we go again
with another hope filled page
burned again
with no response
empty head
and promises
never expected to be
in every scene
don’t want to play
the loser…

tie dye swirl

speeding toward infinity
how do the bird
know where they came from
if they do know
what if they know more
dreaming in tie dye swirls
at times
the birds always find their
way back home
could’ve noticed something else
this is where I came to today…

even the wise

even the wise
can’t know what
to do all the time
posed with a problem
always trial and error
might lose grip
the first few times
balance could get thrown
reality can’t be taken lightly
even by the wise
will realize when reality
is being washed away
undertow pulling it
far from the shore
endless possibilities
are not always real
how many of the wise
know the reality
of this loneliness
that floods the surrounding region
the wise tend to not
know where to stand…

throw up on his shoes

gonna throw up
on your shoes
after hearing all the news
not in a good position
to be such a liar
how many before
leaving the post
what will be news
when you leave
not even accountable
for conflicts abroad
unless it’s under your desk
putting our soldiers in harms
way while you have fun
putting on your suit
and playing the role everyday…

on the leaving

circling silent streets
leaves bowing away from
shared space solitude sought
into a funnel
pouring the all of life
down it returns
night after night
standing in the doorway
dark night slow departure
impression on the glass
hours of rain finally ceased
imitation sunlight
clears the fog
the weight of emptiness
heart swept bare
mind won’t let it fly
from hands reaching up...

Sunday, April 25, 1999

thinking I might

most of the time
spent thinking I might
someday understand
and that day may never come
skies seem clear
how would I know
must be something
retainable hold on
the something
yet to be found
who else shares
that determination
thinking I might…

random mindful circles

being so bright
it becomes
hard to see
making the best
from what is given
what is earned
nothing taken
without permission
walking collection of words
scattered from one end
to the other
moving around
random mindful


thought caught
on a glimpse
of sunshine
it turns out it was
a very big flashlight
and it was a dream
turned off
once the dream ended…

Friday, April 23, 1999

summer comes

right here
what happened to yesterday
no one called
all day
thought they might
back to reality
sadness in waves
the others
all stuck together
when the ship split…

can't be too sure

never too sure
because you never know
who is going to try
steal your money
old men talking
about security systems
gold coins
value constantly going up
funny thing
same story
changes everyday…

still in the dark

still in a daze
from morning until night
brings more of the same
just one of the many
wanting what we can’t have
still in the dark
what has gone on
months have passed
still can’t rest in that room
still in a daze…

signs of a struggle

signs of a struggle
to the end
something doesn’t
make sense
of a difficult situation
unlike the rest
welcomed but the wait
too long awaiting the outcome
never arrives without warning
standing still asking
all these things
to reevaluate that which
doesn’t make sense…

Wednesday, April 21, 1999

dateline murders

becoming part of the problem
not the solution
to use fear to change the agenda
and the way we all
look at life
moving away from violence
not in this culture
two sides to every tale
the television laments
on the awful nature
but their regular programming
contradicts this every other night
society and a culture of fear
will not defend any murderers
dateline wonders why
and then blames guns
and the accessibility to them
without mentioning any other factors
maybe they did
maybe they studied it all
how can we believe what we
are told on the same channel
where watching violence
every night is still an option…

Sunday, April 18, 1999

lesson in impermanence

serves me right
for giving in
seemingly hopeful endeavor
never could last
nothing does
seemed so different
serves me right for
hoping for anything…

Friday, April 16, 1999

possible solution

certain fears may pass
trust still might be alone
that light still aimed down
this way like a shooting star
every time I drive by the garage
holding all those memories
burning with wood in the stove
got hot and everyone around quit
thinking a possible solution
ignoring what hides deep
horn player keeps playing his tune
fear the situation all over again...

Friday, April 9, 1999

another thought crash

pulling myself to now
arriving with new eyes
gazing upward
pointing to a spot
between thoughts
a space
finding comfort there
not long
another thought crashes
hard upon
that which was becoming

Thursday, April 8, 1999

the process is gradual

a change of direction
bringing small noticeable
embraceable results
increasing though slow
the state of well being
turning the focus
transforming habitual thoughts
dissatisfaction and anger
frustration and disappointment
listening close hearing the main voice
within the voice in which thoughts recite themselves
creating a space between thoughts
and reactions eventually achieving awareness
the nature of the self
realizing the voice of thoughts
does not dictate actions / reactions
realizing the choice to react still exists
the meditation is thorough but gradual
only hope is that patience and determination see it through…

Friday, April 2, 1999

busy sneakers

screaming baby broken bottle
hearts may mend never as strong
flip through thoughts
told a story didn't want to hear
after all the bricks are laid
next to the wall it might crumble
as hard to get up each day
with these busy sneakers…

Thursday, April 1, 1999

four to 9

might not be much
what I know I can do
land of misfits
enjoying this place
for personal reasons
where else are they
going to go
might just be a meal
more than that
a moment
someone paid attention
not because they were told
it’s what I know I can do…